Chapter Twenty-Three

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Since we didn't spend much time at the doctors office, Greyson decided to head into the office for a bit. He sends me home to rest, which i have no complaints about. Everything has happened so fast i feel like i need a chance to breath, and the chance to call my best friend and inform her of everything. Part of me knows she'll be mad so I've been putting this off, but its not like I've been intentionally not talking to her I've just gotten so busy. Truth be told she hasn't called me either so its not just a one way thing but hey, that's life for you. We all get caught up in our own stuff. Deciding to just bite the bullet i dial her number, she answers on the third ring. "I'm glad you're still alive." She says with a laugh.

"I know, I'm a terrible friend. Ive just been so busy, things have gotten crazy."
"Would you like to meet up for lunch?"
"Um how about you come to me, ill text you the address."
"I still remember where you live Berkeley."
"Ive sort of moved."
"Oh wow, things definitely have changed then. Text me the address and ill be there as soon as i can."
We hang up the phone, i think that went a lot better than i was assuming it to go but who knows how the real life exchange will go. All the time I've known Haley she's never been judge mental so I don't know why that's what I'm expecting to get from her, i guess if i was looking at the same situation then that's what i would be. Greyson and I haven't even known each other a year and we're already in love and pregnant plus halfway living together, its fast i wont deny that. The whole situation is crazy but I don't think I'd have it any other way.

I just hope i can explain everything the correct way without my anxiety coming into play, Haley knows about that though so I'm sure shell be forgiving if i stammer and stutter. I'm alone in my thoughts for about 20 minutes before i get another call from Haley, I quickly answer it. "Hey, i think I'm here but I'm not sure how to get to you." I knew she would have trouble once she got in, heck even i get lost sometimes.
"Alright go into the elevator and type in 2123, which should bring you straight to me."
"Okay see you in a minute." We both hang up and i make my way to the elevator, it doesn't take her more than two minutes to get here and as soon as she sees me to she runs up and gives me a hug. "Oh my God, I've missed you so much. Let's never go this long without talking again." She says and i instantly feel bad for not including her the past two or three months. "Now that that's out of the way, you have some serious explaining to do. Penthouse with your own elevator?"

I knew this was coming so I've been preparing myself to answer, "I'm sort of seeing someone. You remember Greyson Dorminey, my boss?"
she looks warily at me before replying,"Yeesss?"
"Well we've been together basically every since i got the job ..." "WHAT!?" She screams, "Wait there's more.... I'm pregnant." I say as i hand her the sonograms. She kooks down at the pictures and the back up at me, then back down again. She repeats this motion for about a minute and when she finally looks back up there are tears in her eyes, "Oh, Berkeley. If you're happy then that's all that matters."
i start to cry along with her, "thank you and I am happy, extremely happy. I think I've found the one Hales."
"Really?" She's asks with even more tears pouring down her face, "Yes I don't think i could get anymore happier."
"Then that's all that matters Berkeley, it doesn't matter what other people say or think as long as you're happy, and that means I'm extremely happy for you."

"How about we go sit on that luxurious couch and catch up some more?"
"Sounds good to me." I say with a huge smile on my tear stained face.

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