Chapter Eleven

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We're still laying there when it hits me, he called me Lee.

"You called me Lee." i say

"I did, didn't i?"

"Yeah you kind of did."

"Is that okay? I've wanted to call you that for a while now, not that i don't love your name but Lee just fits to me."

"Its perfectly okay but only in private."

"Yeah that's something we need to talk about."

"What?" i question feeling a wave of anxiety come over me.

"I'd like to keep doing this, what I've just felt with you i haven't felt in a long time and i don't want that to go to waste."

I lay there stunned at his honesty, i of course felt the same way but i didnt want to lay all my cards out on the table just yet.

"I'd like too also but if we do the we need to set some ground rules."

"I agree, name your terms and i'll name mine."

"Got a pen and piece of paper?"

He gets up, naked and all, leaves the room. Hes only gone for a minute before he returns with the items I reguested.

1. No feelings, once feelings are involed we stop.

2. Once its done everything goes back to the way it was. I keep my job and theres no hard feelings.

3. Either party can end it at any point.

4. No one can know about the arrangement

5. We are exclusive

"Anything else to add?"

"Yeah, Spontaneity. Lets never scedule sex. We just do it whenever we feel like it."

"Alright that works with me. Now lets sign."

"Wow you really do want to work in bussiness." He laughs

"Shut up and sign." i say with my own laugh

"Alright alright, so bossy."

He reaches over and takes the pen, signing his name onto the line i drew almong side my signature.

"Would you like to get this notarized also?" He smirks

"You're an Ass." i smack his naked chest.

"You werent saying that 20 minutes ago."

"mess with me and what happened 20 minutes ago won't happen again."

"Oh whatever you can't resist me."

"Try me"

"Let's drop it." He says with a scared look on his face
We sit there for a minute in silence before we both lay back onto the bed. He takes my hand into his, "did you always want to go into business?" I hear him ask.

"No I wanted to be a social worker at first, my dream was to help people. Make a difference in someone's life."
"That's very admirable."
"What about you? Did you always know your own a business one day?"
" yeah, I guess it was an obvious choice since my dad owned a business growing up. I learned everything I know from him."

"But is that what you wanted to do?"
"No, I wanted to be a doctor the same reason you wanted to be a social worker."
" I could see it, you're a very kind person."
"Shh, you'll ruin my street cred."

I throw my head back to laugh, " What cred?"
" I'll have you know that I'm known as a badass around the office."
" oh honey if that's what you want to think."
This causes him to reach over and tickle me
"Take it back." He says as he continues his assault on my sides.
" No, never." I say while laughing
Then it was like time stood still and we looked into each other's eyes, drawing each other closer to the other.

Our lips instantly connect and so does our bodies.
And that's how we spend the rest of the night, connected in more ways than one.

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