Chapter 1

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Your POV

"Let's go Y/N!" I could hear my step-sister yelling from downstairs as I grabbed my book bag from my desk. "We're going to be late."

"Late for what?" I questioned as I walked down over the stairs. "Being early?" I joked as she glared at me.

"I have to post a sign up sheet for cheerleading tryouts." The brunette stated as I met her at the bottom. "Let's go."

"Have a good day girls!" I could hear my mom call out as I followed Brooke out the door.

The drive to school was quiet as I hadn't really gotten the chance to know my step sister yet. Our parents had only introduced us a few days before they had gotten married and we've both been busy ever since. Well, I've been working and Brooke was doing whatever it is that Brooke does. Cheerleading being one of the only things that I knew.

Today was my first day at Tree Hill and I was honestly pretty nervous. What I understood from what Brooke told me during our quote on quote family suppers was that it seemed like a pretty cliquey school. I was never one to hang out with a set group of people and I didn't really understand why it had to be that way. As she put it, it was a big deal here.

"Are you excited to be starting at Tree Hill?" Brooke asked as she tried making conversation.

"I'm more nervous than anything." I sighed a little. "To be honest."

"Why?" She questioned glancing at me as she stopped at a light.

"What if I don't fit in?" I asked and she laughed a little.

"You're hot, you play hockey and you're a relatively nice person." She smirked as she started driving again before glancing at me for the second time. "Plus, you're Brooke Davis' step sister. You've got it all going for you."

"What if nobody likes me?" I asked looking at her again. "I didn't overly fit in at my old schools."

"I like you. I mean, I know we just met but like you seem pretty cool." She smiled as she pulled into the parking lot. "I'll introduce you to some people and you'll be fine."

I gave her a small smile as she pulled into a parking spot. We both grabbed our things and climbed out of the her car. I followed behind Brooke as people starred, I didn't know if it was me they were looking at because I was the new kid or if it was Brooke and the way she was waving at everyone. 

We entered the school and my step sister placed a sheet on a bulletin board before turning back to me. She gestured for me to follow her and she lead me to the office where we got my schedule and figured out the few things I needed to know before starting school here. It took about twenty minutes before Brooke and I left the office and she lead me to my locker.

"So your lockers not actually that far from mine." She pointed across the hall. "Mines just over there."

"That's cool." I responded putting my code into my locker as someone else approached us.

"Hi boyfriend." I could hear Brooke squeal as I noticed her wrap her arms around someone's neck out of the corner of my eye.

"Hi girlfriend." The tall guy that I knew was Lucas spoke back to her. "Hey, Y/N." He smiled at me now as I turned to face them. I liked Lucas he was one of the few people that I had already met in this town.

"Hey, Lucas." I responded as I placed the books I'd just gotten into my locker.

"How's the first day going?" He asked as he pulled away from Brooke and leaned against the locker. "Intimated yet?"

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