Chapter 10

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Your POV

I was nervous as I skated onto the ice and noticed the massive amount of people in the stands. I mean it was great to see that, but with previous teams that I'd played for, the girls teams never even came close to filling the stadium like that. Once I skated around a couple times I decided to meet up with Dinah and stretch a little.

"There's so many people here." I commented as we both got down on the ice in front of our bench.

"It's Friday night in Tree Hill." Dinah laughed. "This is what we do. Friday's are for hockey, and Wednesday's are for basketball. Everyone knows it."

"Y'all really support the local high school." I laughed.

"That's true, but there's really not much else to do." She nodded as we moved on to a knee stretch. "Look down there." She nodded towards the other team. "See number 15?"

"Yeah?" I questioned glancing that way.

"Remember the girl from camp that was like super serious all the time?" My friend asked and I nodded. "That's her. She's their top player."

"She was really good wasn't she?" I asked and Dinah nodded as we both got up now and started skating.

"Yeah. She's really the one we gotta watch." She stated as we lined up to do a few warm up drills. "Stick to her. She's got speed."

"Got it." I replied glancing down towards her again as she was now shooting at the goalie.

There was a few more minutes before the buzzer went off signalling the end of our warm ups and we all made our way back into the dressing room to let the zamboni clean the ice. Our coach went over a few things while we waited and discussed the line ups. I was starting at centre with James and Mitchell, while Dinah was starting on defence with Conrad.

The buzzer soon went off again telling us that the ice was done and it was time to go back out. We all put our helmets back on and made our way back onto the ice. The place erupted in loud cheers this time as our team stepped back onto the ice. It was incredibly loud and I couldn't help but smile as I made my way over to the bench. It was unreal how much support this team had here.

"Okay, guys." My coach clapped his hands. "Game one of the season, let's start it off on a good note."

Soon the team did a cheer causing there to be loud cheers once again as we took our places at the centre dot. I was lined up opposite the girl Dinah had warned me about, she was still as serious as we remembered her, didn't even crack a smile. I shook my head to calm my nerves as the referee skated up with the puck. He stated that he wanted a a good clean game before blowing his whistle, both of us bending over the take the face off.

As soon as the puck hit the ice I managed to win it back to Dinah and the nervousness completely left my body. We set up pretty quickly and made our way down the other end of the ice, towards the other teams net. Dinah passing up to James who soon sent it flying toward the net, the goalie stopping it. The rest of the period was pretty much back and forth with the goalies making many saves in each end. The period ended still at zero to zero, as we all headed back into the dressing room.

"Girls." My coach started. "That was a great period but I know you can do better. We need to be more aggressive and get on the puck first."

We basically did the same thing that we did between the warmups and the first period but instead discussed changes to our game. He changed one of my wingers, but still leaving me with James because we did well together so far. Mitchell switched with Smith so she could go back to the line she'd been with the year before. The changes he was making made sense.

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