Chapter 7

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Your POV

As I could feel myself waking up, I also began to feel an intense headache and hear bells ringing in my ears. I've had bad hangovers before but never like this. As soon as I opened my eyes,  I had to close them again as the room was too bright and it hurt to keep them open. As soon as I got the courage to open my eyes and look around the room my eyes landed on a bottle of water, a couple Advil and a note next to me on my desk. I reached up and quickly grabbed it, taking the pills and drinking some water before reading the note.

Next time listen to me when I tell you stop drinking and you wouldn't have that killer headache right now! Also, good luck dealing with Brooke in the morning, she's going to grill you on quite a few things. Oh and Peyton stayed the night. Have fun! :) - Haley

I laughed a little at the note. As someone I've only known for a little while, Haley was definitely becoming one of my favourite people. She really does look out for everyone. I soon realized that the minute I leave this room I'm going to have to deal with Brooke. I plopped back down in my bed and groaned. Great hangover, my step-sister is going to grill me and the girl I might have made out with is here. Then I also have to face Dinah, Lauren and Camila. What a great day I have ahead of me.

Figuring it was time to face the music, I decided to get up and throw on some sweats and a hoodie. I have nowhere to be today so I figured, why not be comfortable while I have to figure out how badly I screwed up last light? I made my way out to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and cleaned up a little before I decided to head downstairs. The smell of bacon soon filled my nostrils as I walked down over the stairs. Once I got to the kitchen I found Brooke and Peyton cooking breakfast.

"Look who finally decided to join us." Brooke gave me a knowing look. "How's the head there boozy?"

"Could be worse..." I groaned sitting down on the stool at the island. "Could also be better." I added rubbing my temples now.

"Here, drink this." Peyton smiled and poured up a glass of orange juice before handing it to me.

"Thanks." I gave her a small smile in return.

"This whole mess we made..." Brooke pointed around the kitchen, there was a huge mess of everything from flour to eggshells. "Will probably help too. Something about bacon just cures a hangover."

"How are you two not dying?" I asked looking between them. "I know for sure that Peyton drank just as much as me or more and Brooke, you were drunk before we even left the house?"

"That's a secret I'll never tell." Brooke laughed and Peyton shook her head with a grin.

"It's literally just water and practice." Peyton shrugged. "We've been to more than enough parties."

"Yeah.." Brooke pointed at me with a spatula. "That and we try not to have beer poured over our heads, apparently it just seeps into the brain and makes you do stupid stuff."

"Oh god, what did I do?" I asked and Brooke grinned. Peyton also tried to hide a laugh.

"You mean after sucking face with Peyton for twenty minutes?" She smirked looking at Peyton who blushed. "Or after you and Nathan decided you wanted to race home on foot but instead got two minutes down the block, puked and decided sleeping on the sidewalk is what you wanted to do?"

"I never did that." I sat up surprised trying to defend myself. "Did I?"

"Yes." Peyton laughed. "You would not move until Nathan decided to put you on his back and pretended you guys were a horse and knight."

"Nathan's a real one." I stated laughing a little. "I seriously did that?"

"You really did." I hear another voice now as I turned to find Lucas walking in. "Then I had to carry you up to your room because Nathan started throwing up himself." He launched as he wrapped his arms around Brookes waist and kissed her cheek. "You were very entertaining the whole night."

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