Chapter 9

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Your POV

The rest of the school week went by pretty fast and nothing overly dramatic had happened. Austin and Brad stayed away for the most part other than a few quick one liners here and there. Lucas hadn't brought up the conversation from Monday again either, at least not with me there, which I thought was odd because of the seriousness of what he had been saying about his father, though I knew that he didn't have a good relationship with him. Lauren and I were speaking again which was good, she did mention that she was sorry for dumping that beer over my head which I also apologized for a few of the things that I had said in return.

Peyton and I had also spent a bit more time together over the past couple days, ever since she opened up to me about the school shooting we had been growing closer. She'd spent the last few nights over at our house watching movies with me and just talking, well that, and a lot of making out. Brooke was loving the fact that Peyton and I were hanging out, she even stated that she knew from the start something was going to happen there.

"Excited for the big game tonight?" Peyton asked as we were lying on my bed watching another movie. She'd come home after school with me to hang out.

"Yeah." I nodded as she looked up at me as she lay on my chest. "A little nervous too."

"Why?" She asked. "Aren't you supposed to be like really good or something?" She joked and I laughed a little.

"I always get a little nervous before my first game with a new team." I answered honestly. "Something about a new teammates and a new crowd just makes me worry about being good enough."

"I'm sure you'll be okay." She kissed my cheek. "Brooke says you're really good so, I'm sure of it. Plus, I'll be there to cheer you on."

"Y/N!" Brooke stormed into my room without a knock, once she noticed both of us there she smirked. "Hey P. Sawyer." She winked.

"Speak of the devil." Peyton laughed as she sat up now.

"What can I do you for Brooke?" I also sat up to face my step sister.

"You know?" She smirked as she seemed to think for a second before pointing between us. "I really like this. Just you know, maybe lock the door or something. I don't need to walk in a find my sister and best friend doing the dirty."

"What do you need Brooke?" Peyton laughed at her best friend.

"Oh yeah." The brunette shook her head. "I came in to ask you what I should wear to the game?"

"Really?" I asked a little amused.

"Yeah." She nodded seriously. "I've never been to one, and I'm sure the cheerleading outfit isn't going to cut it."

"I mean just wear something warm." I answered shrugging. "It can get cold in those stadiums."

"You're no help." She rolled her eyes. "Peyton come help me."

"Seriously Brooke." The blonde groaned pointing between herself and me.

"She was mine first." Brooke smirked giving me a pointed look. To which we all laughed.

"It's fine." I agreed standing up. "I have to start getting ready and head to the stadium anyway."

"Good luck if I don't see you again before the game." Brooke waves as she headed back out my bedroom door.

"Thanks." I called after her as Peyton now got up from my bed.

"I love her." She stated nodding towards my step sister. "But there are times that I'd like to kill her."

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