Chapter 3

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Your POV

When they told me that Tree Hill parties were insane they weren't kidding. I mean I watched a kid jump off the roof and into the pool, without even flinching. Then I seen one guy making out with a girl and another walked up and slapped him then the girl kissing him slapped him before chasing after the other girl. I mean there was definitely lots of drunk teens and a whole lot of drama. The music was loud, the place was shaking and everyone seemed to be having a good time.

I'd noticed a while ago that Dinah and her friends had shown up, I was surprised, I wasn't expecting them to after Peyton told me the story. A part of me was glad and it wasn't just because I was drinking and wondering about Lauren's side of the story. I also wanted to talk to Camila, I hadn't gotten the chance to actually speak to her yet, and I was intrigued by the fact that the rest of their group seemed surprised by her apparently odd quietness around me.

"How's the party going?" Brooke stated sipping her drink next to me now as we over looked the backyard. "See anyone you're interested in yet?" She nudged me.

I looked around for a second, I noticed Peyton was over talking to a few guys by the kegs looking incredibly hot. Then Lauren was over talking to Dinah and Ally, who kept looking in my direction, she was also looking really good tonight. But Camila was nowhere in sight and that disappointed me a little bit.

"Not really." I lied. I knew I'd only just met them but I found each of those girls interesting for different reasons.

"That's bullshit." Brooke scoffed. "Lauren's been looking at you all night, you've been looking at Peyton every so often and that Camila girl is inside just waiting to talk to you."

"What?" I was surprised. "How did you even..."

"Brooke knows all.." She smirked patting me on the back. "And that's just the three I know that you've noticed tonight."

"You sure are something." I laughed as she began walking away.

"Just go talk to one of them." She pointed at me. "And you know who I'm not rooting for."

With that she walked away leaving me with a smile as I took a quick sip of my drink. Which one did I want to talk to? I thought about it for a second deciding to go inside and get another drink, that way if I made a fool out of myself I could blame the alcohol. I was pouring myself another drink when I felt arms wrapping loosely around my neck.

"Hi Y/N!" I heard someone say excitedly, slurring a little. I turned around to find Camila stood with her arms still around my neck.

"Um hi." I smiled a little confused on how she'd gone from being shy to this. I was thinking it had something to do with the cup in her hand as she pulled away.

"You should make me another drink." She spoke now handing me the cup.

"Are you sure you need it?" I asked catching her as she lost her balance a little, it was pretty early in the night for her to be that drunk.

"Yeah, I only had one drink." She stated like it was obvious. She must be a lightweight, she's tiny so it would make sense. I quickly made her a drink and handed to her. "You're the best." She added.

"Thanks." I laughed as she reached out and touched my arm.

"I'm sorry." She spoke again. "I'm sorry about what happened at lunch today. The girls shouldn't have said what they did."

"That's not your fault." I smiled, she was cute.

"I know but I like Brooke, she has good party's." She stated happily before her face hardened again. "Please don't tell Lauren I said that."

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