Chapter 13

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Your POV

I woke up the next morning with what was probably the worst hangover I had ever had, and that's saying something considering the amount of hangovers that I have had so far in my life. Normally, I didn't have it overly bad in the morning, a little headache, maybe the lights would bother my eyes a little, but that was it. This morning though, I was feeling incredibly sick. Did I blame Quinn for how I was feeling? One hundred percent, but did I remember very much? Just a enough for me to piece it all together.

"Good morning." Peyton whispered causing me look at her now, she gently pecked my lips.

"Morning." I smiled a little as she brushed a piece of hair out of my face.

"How do you feel?" She smirked a little herself. "You had a lot to drink last night."

"I feel liking I'm dying." I admitted and she laughed turning so that she was cuddled into my side now.

"Why don't I go make us some breakfast?" She questioned and I couldn't help but make a face at the mention of food. "Okay, maybe not."

"Sorry, just the idea of food is making me sick" I stated and she laughed a little. "This is probably a stay in bed and watch movies type of day."

"What happened to the whole, 'I don't do hangovers' thing?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Quinn." Was all I said in response and Peyton giggled. I closed my eyes for a second hoping the dizziness would go away.

"I'll go get you some water, and see what I can find for a headache." She stated now feeling my forehead then cupping my cheek. "You do look a little pale."

"Thanks." I mumbled as she moved to get up from the bed, I watched for second as she grabbed my sweater pulled it on before she walked out of my room. As soon as she was out of sight I found myself closing my eyes again.

A few minutes later I could feel myself getting stomach sick and I quickly jumped out of bed and and ran for the bathroom. Before I knew it I was bent over the toilet puking up everything that I had eaten the day before, the taste of tequila was also very strong. After a few minutes, I sat up with my back against the bathtub that had been next to me. I looked towards the door which was open a crack and noticed Peyton coming back up over the stairs. She then ran into Lucas who must have just been leaving Brookes room.

"Hey." He smiled as I could see them on the stairs. "Someone having a tough morning?" He gestured towards her hands.

"Yeah, I think Quinn might have pushed Y/N a little too far." The blonde nodded in agreement. I didn't mean to be eaves dropping but I couldn't really move at the moment.

"That was pretty entertaining though." Lucas smirked a bit. "The whole night was." I noticed he touched her arm but she pulled away looking around again.

"Yeah, it was great night." She responded. "I should really be getting this to her now."

"I'll see you later." He smirked a little as he made his way around her. "You're coming to the game right?"

"Obviously." She rolled her eyes with a smirk gesturing to herself "Cheerleader."

"Right, how could I forget." He raised a eyebrow and looked her up and down. "Can't wait. New uniforms right?"

"You're an idiot." She jokingly shoved his shoulder.

I didn't get to hear the rest as I started puking again. After a few seconds I could feel someone pulling my hair out of my face and holding it back.  I soon sat back again and Peyton handed me a couple pills and some water which I was thankful for as I took a sip. My phone then buzzed next to me causing me to look at it. It was a text from my coach.

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