Chapter 6

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Your POV

Well that didn't go like I want it to, not even close. I watched after Camila for a moment as she walked back to her friends. I was confused, after last night and a few things she said tonight, I thought she might actually like me back, but I guess not. I picked up my almost full cup and completely chugged it back, angrily throwing the cup into ocean once I was finished. That was probably a huge mistake on my part, making a move on her that I shouldn't have, I could have possibly ruined any chance I had at even a friendship with her.

I looked up to see the other girls looking at me now, I rolled my eyes assuming she'd told them what had just happened. Great now even they know I'm stupid. I quickly looked away a made my way to grab another drink. The walk across the beach seemed like it took forever but I finally got to the booze area, filling up my cup and chugging it back once again before filling it up a second time. I should probably slow down but I mean whatever.

"There you are." I heard Peyton as she ran up behind me and wrapped her arms around my neck. "I'm still waiting for my dance." She stated as I turned around to face her, her arms still around my neck.

"Hey Peyton." I smiled noticing Dinah and her friends standing down the beach looking this way. Camila noticeably absent. You'd think they would at least try to hide the fact that they were staring at me.

"Are you okay?" She asked after a second as her face faltered a little bit. "How'd it go with Camila? How's she doing?"

"She's doing okay." I answered honestly. "Better than I was expecting."

"Then what's up with you?" She asked, obviously noticing my now terrible mood.

"Just a little drunk." I stated smiling a little to try and throw her off. "I'll be good soon." I winked.

"Well, then let's get you another drink."  She grinned a little. "I haven't had the chance to meet drunk you yet."

"Well, you're really in for it tonight." I held up my drink a little to show her, but she shook her head with a bigger grin now.

"Go big or go home right?" She stated as she pointed where some guys were doing a keg stand. Once they put the guy down and I noticed it was Nathan I laughed a bit.

"You want me to do that." I looked back to her as she wore a devilish grin. I raised an eyebrow considering it. "Only if you do it first."

"This isn't my first rodeo." She laughed leaning closer. "That's nothing compared to what I can really do."

"Prove it." I dared her and she raised an eyebrow. "Let's see what the one and only Peyton Sawyer is capable of."

"You're on." She pointed at me as she started walking in the direction of the keg stand. "You better make sure you get a good view."

"Oh, I already got one." I stated watching as she walked away. She smirked as I laughed a little following behind her.

She walked up and grabbed Nathan by the shirt and Lucas who was stood next to Brooke and dragged them a few foot over towards where the keg was already prepared. People started cheering as they noticed what she was about to do.

"This is gonna be a good night." Brooke laughed as I walked up next to her. "What did you say to her?"

"I told her if she wanted me to do it, she had to too." I laughed as she winked at me before the boys flipped her upside down.

"You already stink of booze." Haley added a little concerned. "You sure it's a good idea?" She questioned.

"If Peyton can do it, I'm sure I can handle it." I responded watching as the blonde chugged back the beer.

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