Chapter 12

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Your POV

Quinn wasn't joking when she said that she wasn't going to take it easy on me tonight. After the first round she made everything almost twice as hard as the others did for their rookies. Most of them even having given up by the end of the third round. The amount of tequila she made me drink could not have been healthy either, but I went along with it for a laugh, it was pretty fun.

"Last round rookie." Quinn smirked as she held a cup out in front of me.

"Seriously?" I questioned as my head was already spinning from the insane amount of booze I'd already drank. "I d-don't know if I can d-do it." I slurred.

"You'll be fine I promise." She laughed handing me the cup. "Plus this rounds more for me." She winked as I raised an eyebrow. "One last chug and a you gotta pick up the lime with your mouth."

"Sounds simple." I nodded as she showed me the lime before placing it between her lips for me to take causing me to smirk a little. I gotta admit Quinn was one of the hottest girls I'd ever met and I definitely had crush on her.

"Quicker the better." She mumbled causing me to laugh.

I quickly brought the cup up to my lips and drank the cold liquid. To my surprise it was just water, which I finished with ease. I laughed a little before bringing my lips to hers and taking the lime with a laugh from both of us. I pulled away and finished the lime before I took it out of my mouth. Quinn laughed a little as she looked at me.

"Water?" I questioned trying to hide the fact that I was blushing a little.

"I'm not a horrible person." She laughed. "You would've hit the ground if I'd given you more tequila."

"Probably true." I nodded in agreement. "Yeah I would have." I added as I could feel my head spinning.

"You did last longer than I expected." The blonde smirked throwing an arm over my shoulder. "I'm pretty proud."

"I'm go-going to kill you..." I pointed at her as we walked. "to-tomorrow if coach skates us."

"And that's why I'm handing you over to the more responsible James sister now." Quinn laughed as we reached Nathan and Haley.

"Jeez, Quinn." Haley laughed at my state. "We said get her drunk, not ruin her for the next week."

"Yeah, well she's a trooper." My teammate laughed as I noticed Brooke and Peyton walking over.

"Peyton." I basically ran towards her. "Hi."

"Yikes." Brooke smirked as Peyton wrapped her arms around my neck. "I can smell the booze off you from over here."

"Yeah, you do smell like a bottle of tequila." Peyton laughed as she leaned back a little.

"Blame Quinn." I shrugged. "She made me do it."

"Athletes." Peyton joked rolling her eyes. "Did you have a good time?"

"Yeah, actually I did." I admitted pecking her lips. "It's been a great night."

"Oh yeah." She raised an eyebrow at me. "Did kissing Quinn have anything to do with it?"

"I mean Quinn is s-super hot.." I shrugged as Peyton raised her eyebrow even further. "No, was probably the right answer wasn't it." I nodded to myself and Peyton laughed.

"I'll let it slide this time." She laughed moving a piece of hair out of my face. "But with that answer I might have to do something extra special tonight."

"What did you have in mind Sawyer?" I raised an eyebrow now as she leaned in closer to my ear and fiddled with the collar of my coat.

"I have a few ideas." She whispered. "Might have something to do with you losing more than just this jacket."

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