Chapter 11

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Your POV

"Okay, so there was this one time at school, in probably grade four..." Normani started telling us a story as we were sat waiting for our food to arrive.

"I know what this is." Lauren pointed at her half smiling now. "Don't you dare tell it."

"Yeah, it was probably grade four at lunch." Normani continued with a smirk as she glanced at her friend. "Lauren was hanging out with me and, I actually think it was Peyton, out in the school yard by the swings when a boy came up to her and asked her to be his girlfriend...."

"That's sweet." Camila smiled taking a sip of her drink.

"Yeah, until Lauren looked between him and his friends, picked up a shit ton of rocks and threw them at him..."

"Lauren!" Ally scolded her as she hid behind her crossed arms glaring at the friend that was telling the story. "Why?"

"In her words from back then, 'boys have cooties'." Mani continued. "She then took off and ran as far as she could across the school yard. Peyton and I running after her."

"And that's the story of how Lauren came out ladies and gentlemen." Dinah added causing everyone to laugh.

"Yeah, I mean, close enough to it." Lauren shrugged as she caved and started laughing.

"Speaking of Peyton, Y/N what's happening with you and her anyways." Normani glanced at me from across the table now catching me completely off guard.

"You told me there was nothing?" Dinah looked at me now her eyebrow raised.

"I mean, we're friends." I shrugged not sure what else to say.

"Do all your friends kiss you like that?" Ally questioned now, obviously they seen what happened before the game. "I mean that looked a little more than friendly."

"What?!?" Dinah was confused now. "What did I miss?"

"Peyton basically jumping Y/N's bones at the stadium before the game." Lauren stated seemingly a little annoyed before sipping her drink.

"Explain." Dinah looked at me now.

"Peyton and I are just hanging out, having a bit of fun that's it." I shrugged as I could feel Camila's stare burning a hole into the side of my face from next to me. "I honestly didn't know she was gonna do that."

"Looked intense." Normani added. "She seemed like she wanted to prove something."

"I don't know, I didn't read much into it." I laughed awkwardly now sipping on my drink. "We aren't serious."

"Do you want to be?" Camila asked now a little quieter than everyone else had been talking.

"I mean I don't know." I was playing with the straw in my drink. "She doesn't seem to want that."

"Sure looked like she did." Normani stated and Lauren shot a glare in her direction.

"We haven't really talked about it." I stated messing with my fork in my hands. "Not seriously anyway."

"Be careful with her." Lauren warned me. "I know how she can be."

"Can we stop talking about this." I said just as the waiter came over with our pizzas. It was awkward talking about this with Camila next to me. Not to mention the fact that I knew they didn't like my other friends anyway.  "I don't know what's going on myself." I added.


Once our pizza's arrived a few minutes later and the topic of conversation changed back to a less serious tone, I found myself truly enjoying it. The rest of our time spent at the pizza place from that point was filled with laughter and jokes. I knew that sometimes being friends with both groups was going to be difficult, considering their history and that things would come up from time to time, but I truly wished that they would all just get along. They would all be great friends if they could just get past their old drama.

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