Chapter 8

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Your POV

Monday. Everyone hates Monday's, especially school Monday's. The morning went by slowly and the classes were extremely boring as all the teachers actually started teaching. My first few classes were with Brooke and her friends but my third was with, Dinah and her friends. She and Ally spoke to me and Camila was as chatty as normal, our conversation yesterday obviously bringing our friendship back to what it was. The other two though, didn't even seem to notice I was there. I knew Lauren's issue but I wasn't completely sure what Normani was ignoring me for. She was probably just going along with Lauren, whom I still haven't spoken to.  I wasn't overly bothered, I mean I didn't do anything to them.

"You going to join us for lunch?" Camila asked as we gathered our books and walked out of class together.

"I don't think so." I shrugged and she frowned a little. "I mean I'd love to but I don't wanna sit there and be ignored for an hour." I motioned toward Lauren and Normani who were just ahead of us. "Plus I told Brooke and Peyton I would see them at lunch."

"Lauren's just mad that she was wrong." The brunette walking next to me laughed. "She's too stubborn to apologize right away."

"I mean, I'm over it." I stated, truly not even bothered by what happened with Lauren anymore. "I  have no hard feelings."

"I'll talk to her." She stated as we stopped at my locker to drop off my books. "See if I can get her to at least speak to you."

"That would be great." I smiled as I piled a few books in my locker and closed it before we crossed the hall to Camila's locker. We're the other girls were already around their lockers. "Anyway, I'll see you after lunch." I stated as she began opening her own locker.

"Okay." She nodded and gave me a quick smile as I began to walk away but noticed two specific guys walking this way from down the hall.

"On second thought..." I turned to face the brunette again. "I might stay here for a few minutes." I stated leaning against the locker causing her to look up confused but seemingly understanding as she also noticed them.

"Yeah. I'd appreciate that." She agreed as the other girls heard us and also looked that way.

I could see the smaller brunette tense up and basically try to hide in her locker as they got closer, she was completely uncomfortable now. Dinah met my glance and nodded to tell me they were right behind me. I glanced down the hall to see Nathan and Haley turn the corner, thankfully he'd at least be there if something were to happen, he would back me up. I turned to look at Austin as he walked by.

"Hey, Camila." The dark haired boy spoke with a smirk.

"You better keep moving." Dinah shot before I'd even gotten the chance to say anything.

"Nice eye princess." He looked to me now as he and Brad laughed as they made their way passed us. "Wonder how you'd look with a matching set."

"Probably better than you do right now." I quickly shot back and he turned to look at me again but Nathan was now stood behind me.

"I'd keep walking if I were you." Nathan stated calmly as he leaned against the locker behind me. Both Austin and Brad turned and continued their way down the hall without another word.

"Thanks." I turned to Nathan and Haley now as he just nodded in response.

"How are you doing Camila?" Haley spoke now as the brunette closed her locker and faced us.

"I'm okay." She answered looking between my two friends. "I've been meaning to thank you guys for everything the other night."

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