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I am here! Sorry, that I didn't post for 2 days. I've made a new story and I'm really getting into it! I would love it if you could check it out too, it would really help me. So far, when in typing this, no one has seen it. So you could have the chance to be the first! Anyway, I'll have fun with this one. ~ Gay Saturday

Izuku Midoriya POV

"Deku!" Uraraka-san shouted at me.

I let go of the stranger that I'm dancing with, and turn around to see her and Iila-kun running towards me.

"Deku! We were lo-" was all she could say, panting, when the stranger interrupted.

"Deku? Isn't that offensive?" He says sternly.

"Oh, uh... Not in this case." She says calming down.

"Uh huh..." He mutters.

"I thought you were going undercover." I finally said.

"But you aren't." She said smiling.

"Let him have his own fun." Iida-kun said.

"Fine.." she muttered. She realized what she had interrupted. "Deku.. I didn't know you were gay." She blurts out, sounding a smidge disappointed, but you couldn't tell.

I started blushing furiously, "Uh, well.. um..* I stammered.

"I could go now, if you want me to." I hear the handsom- I MEAN, Stranger say.

"NO! I mean, no. Sorry if that sounded harsh. I would like you to stay." I say turning around to meet his eyes.

He chuckled.

I gasp, accidentally.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Y-yeah." I say.

I turn back around to see Iila-kun and Uraraka-san waving and walking away.

"So, shall we continue?" He says holding out his hand. I take it saying, "That would be nice" I smiled.

We danced for about another 20 minutes, and then my stomach ruined it all. I realized I was starving.

Oh crap, he noticed.

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

"I wouldn't know any other reason it makes that noise." I giggled.

"C'mon, follow me" he takes my hand and I follow not have a second thought

He brings me into a restaurant, and I realize what is going on.

"Oh you shouldn't waste your money on me. I'm just a stranger!" I say to him. He smiles.

"Well, let's not be strangers then." He says.

I blush, and smile at him.

"Thanks." I say.

We get a table upstairs by the window and I see how beautiful the night sky is. Then I realize where I am.

"Wait, what?" I exclaimed. "This place if one of the most expensive in the kingdom! I can't take this!"

"I'm aware of that." He said. "But I stayed when you wanted me to, didn't I?"

He smirks.

Omg, he is so cut- no I can't think this! I just met him. And yet we're on, well kinda, a date. Izuku gets deep in thought.

"Well, now that we aren't strangers, what can I call you to keep your identity a secret?" He asks me.

"Call me Deku, that's what my friends call me." I say.

"But isn't that offensive?" He says.

"Not to me, no. I can't tell you why though. That would give too much away about me."

"I understand, you can call me..."
"You can call me Todo." He says finally.

"Okie!" I smile.

We get our drinks and menu's, everything looks so good! I chose something moderately priced, just to be polite. Maybe he will let me actually pay.

When the food gets here, it's the best thing I've ever tasted. I can't help myself, I started crying for some reason. He is shocked and gets up and walks over the me, and hugs me.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I just overreacted." I say laughing nervously, wiping my tears. ( Lol, editing is gonna be fun )

We talk about the festival as we are eating and we finished.

The waiter comes and puts the receipt of the table for us to sign. ( Bruh, I don't know how it works lol. They basically are paying )

I find barely enough money and move my hand to put it on the receipt, but my hand ends up on his.

"It's on me." He smirked.

"Wha? But I can't ju-."

"It's not my money anyway. It's my dumb a$# father's." He says getting irritated.

"I'm sorry if that came off as annoying." I apologise.

"It's not you, it's him." He smiles at me. "I can't get mad at you."

My eyes widen but then become half closed as I blush.

"Shall we go?" He says standing up and holding out his hand. "I have a special place to show you."

I take it, and we exit the restaurant. I feel what I believe is being flustered. I don't want this night to end.


-Hiya! I'm not dead, I promise. Probably.

Anyway, I'm here to remind you again about my new other book! It's really fun to write and it's mostly for fun! I would love to share this book with you too! Also, thank you so Heckin' much for 63 reads! Seeing that people are reading my stories that I have fun writing is just a wonderful feeling. Dang, I just got deep. Anyway I hope you have a great day!-

The Green Haired Boy -Tododeku- Where stories live. Discover now