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"Midoriya? Could I talk to you in private?" I hear Todoroki ask as I'm pulled away from my panicking thoughts.

Trying to hold back my blush, I say, "Oh, of course Todoroki-kun."

Todoroki-kun leads me to a dark hallway somewhere in the school, and we both stand at opposite sides of the hall. He leans against the his side. ( You see where I'm going to here? )

"What did you need to talk about, Todoroki-kun?" I ask to break the silence. He just sighs.

"Midoriya, do you know anything about.. love?" He asks not looking at me.

This shocks me, in more ways than one. But most of all, Todoroki loves someone?!

I feel my heart pain, I don't know why. Why am I jealous? No, I can't think that way. I'm going to help Todoroki with this!

"What do you mean, Todoroki-kun?"

"I-i just wanted to know if you knew anything on this topic." He stuttered?! I look down.

"Well.. I do know something's. I know that it's an intense feeling of deep affection. Say a person could make you feel safe, happy, or just overall good inside. This person can make your week by just complementing you in a passionate way. You could also feel compelled to protect or be compassionate to this person. If this person is hurt, you want to take their pain away, anyway you can without hurting them more. Sometimes it even confuses you how much they affect you in this way..." I pause to look up at Todoroki. "I.. forgot anything else."

He was stunned to say the least. We kinda stood there in silence for a bit longer, before he started walking towards me. The next thing I knew, he was right in front of me. Then he...
Hugged me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled my head towards his shoulder, but since I'm so much shorter, I ended up face in his chest. And the thing that suprised me the most was the fact he started petting my hair? I felt my face heat up once again.

"Thank you so much Midoriya. You really helped me." He said.

"I-its no problem, really. It's not that much anyway..." I replied looking up at him. He smiled. I have to get used to him smiling, he's usually emotionless or just not happy most of the time Im not with him or I'm just watching from afar. Huh...

He lets me go even though I don't want him to. I can feel that my face is red. We walk back to the classroom in silence.

Shoto Todoroki POV

He looked so sad and disappointed while walking back, I wonder why.

Once we got back to the classroom, and had in our seats, Uraraka-san was glaring at me again. I could sense it was her staring anyway.

I believe the rest of the day went well... Enough.

In the letter that we got from U.A. it suggested that I should start packing on this day. Do that's what I did all afternoon. But I couldn't stop thinking about him. Deku, the one at the festival. D***, I miss him.

All I know is that his hair is green, he's poor, and I love him without knowing his real name .

Gosh darn it! How hard can I fall for a stranger?

~'•Time Skip; Next Morning In Class•'~

"Alright everyone, before we start class today, I want to remind you that after school today you grab your belongings and go to the decimated location that was included in your letter. Make sure you have everything you need to make your room suitable. Got that? Alright today in class..." Aziawa-sensei continued.

I wonder how fast they can build a whole building of small rooms, apparently only 3 days.

But they have alot of money so I can understand.. somehow.

~'•Time Skip; Evening. Brought to you by my lazy a- butt.•'~

Izuku Midoriya POV

When class ended, I planned to walk out with Uraraka-san and Iila-kun, but Uraraka-san left before I was finished putting things in my bag. She must still be mad at me, huh.

But Iida-kun was still there. Even with him, something felt wrong. Like we needed a third person.

I noticed that Todoroki-kun was walking out the classroom.

"Todoroki-kun!" I called out maybe a little too eagerly. He turned around and looked down me slowy jogging to him.

"Yes, Midoriya-kun?" He said softly.

"Do you want to walk out with us?"

"Sure, I would like that." He says monotone as usual.

We walk out together. When it's time for us to part, I notice that Todoroki is going the same direction as me.

"Oh, Todoroki-kun, I didn't know that you-" he cuts me off by saying,

"Walk home this way? Yeah, I do. I don't live in the plus ultra kingdom. My father has a house that's more in the range of U.A. that I'm staying in, but it doesn't have my personal belongings. This also is the quickest way to the royal carriage transport thing."

I get lost in his eyes when he's saying this. His right eye ( the one with the scar) is a bold tropical sea blue with waves crashing and his left eye, being the tropical storm, raging with the wind. It's my poetic way of describing them. But nevertheless, they are the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. It's rare enough to have Heterochromatic eyes, but one of the colors to be the rarest eye colors there is, gray.

"Midoriya!" I hear him say sternly, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Y-yes T-to-todoroki?" I stutter, startled from how stern he said my name.

"Sorry, you were staring off."

"Oh, sorry about that."

"Anyway, this is where I take a turn. See you later?" He says sweetly.

"Yeah." Was all I said.

Once I got myself home, I packed the rest of my stuff and headed to the campus we were staying on.

"Woah.." the dorm building for our class was huge. Definitely bigger than our house.

I met with my other classmates, including Uraraka-san. I walked up to her.

"Uraraka-san? Are you still mad at me?"


"I told you I was sorry, and I'll do it again. Uraraka, I'm sorry. You still mad at me?"

She gave me a thoughtful look.

"What else do you want me to do?" I ask her.

"Nothing, I forgive you."

"That's good."

Once everyone gets there, Aziawa-sensei lets us inside.

"Woah" is what everyone says but two people.


-Hiya! Once again I need to finish this quickly so I can go to bed, but thank you so much for 84 reads! That's slot if people when you think about it. That's like, almost all the people in my grade. Anyway I hope you have a great day!-

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