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Shoto Todoroki POV

"I.. let's go." I said finally. "B-but let him come back to the dorms first. I want to give him time.."

"Fair enough." She replied.

We made our way back to the dormitory, and everybody had settled in for the weekend. I hope Midoriya is okay.

I went back to my dorm and closed the door. Then I got into some comfort clothes. (You can have fun with that. )

I couldn't stop worrying about Izuku. What if he hates me now? Will he believe me? Would he love me now? Gosh, I've been so dense.

All these thoughts and possibilities rushed through my head, most of them negative.

What if he can't love me anymore?

Izuku Midoriya POV

When Shoto left, I broke down into tears. I loved both of them. I had kissed both of them.

I know I won't ever find Todo ever again, but the optimism in me never backed down. I can't doubt that I was a positive person, it's impossible to.

I always went with my positive side but, I knew the reality in this. He lives in the Todoroki kingdom, a whole different kingdom! Even though our kingdom was bigger by a landslide, it was still huge to anyone. Never ending miles of just houses, farmland, and busy city's covered both our home Kingdoms. It would be impossible to find a single person to a name that could be common.

Wait. The Todoroki kingdom? Todo-roki

No, the name could be common, as I said. It's not a rare thing to have your family last name to be same as royalty. It was quite common actually, people even legally changed their last name.

I had knew a family with the last name Might, so it's just as possible.

I couldn't decide what to do. I had fallen for this stranger, even harder than I did for Shoto. Even though they acted the same, were the same height, and both (I assumed) were very rich.

I'll just be stuck, I guess. Maybe Uraraka-san can help me with this.

I gathered myself together and wiped my tears. I needed to head back to the dormitory anyway, everyone would get worried if I stayed out too long. Their too kind.

As I stood up, I reminded myself of how thoughtful it was for Shoto to come and find me. I feel bad for turning him down. It's not like I don't care about him just cuz I fell harder for a different guy. It was so tempting to return his feelings, but apparently this was more important to me. He probably hates me now. He was such a good friend. I start to tear up at these thoughts, but quickly stopped myself. No! Shoto will understand! I know he will!

I slowly start my way back to the dormitory. I feel woozy and a bit tired all of a sudden, but I don't mind it. Once I got back inside the building, I head straight for my dorm, trying not to make any contact with anyone. As I passed by the common room, I heard voices. Their probably chatting, it is Saturday after all. We barely get to have normal conversation for more than 10 minutes. Oh, crap. They noticed me.

"Midoriya? Come join us!" I hear Ashido call.

I quietly gasp and start heading back to my room at a quick pace. I hear them getting up to follow me. I panic and break into a run.

I run to my room and open the door quickly. I shut it just as fast. I also hear them questioning where I went or why I was running. I just sighed and walked into my room. I went over to my bed and plopped down onto it. (< 666 words! ) I change into some comfort clothes. Before I went to the common room earlier this morning, I decided I wanted to train after a good breakfast, but plans changed. I felt so emotionally drained, that I was incredibly tired. Is this how Shoto feels? I joked inside my head, but I realized that it was no joking matter.

I sluggishly got up and changed into comfort clothes, and got back to bed. I suddenly felt tears going down my cheeks. Being tired momentarily helped me forget my problems, but them rushed back to me, hitting me like a bullet. I sat there and the voices of my classmates went away, probably going back to the common room. I feel bad that I was shutting them out right now. Uraraka would know what to do right now. I thought.

Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. I wiped my tears, hoping it was Uraraka do she could help me with this. I got up and walked to my door. I reached for my door handle, but hesitated. Finally I turned the knob and put on a fake smile. A small, yet happy smile.

I saw Uraraka, and I felt my worry's go away, but someone was behind her.


I would understand if ether one of them came individually, but them coming together? This didn't make sense.

"Uraraka? T-Todoroki? Wh-" I was cut off by Uraraka.

"Midoriya, we would like to talk to you, if that's okay." She said barely smiling. She had a sweet but serious tone.

"Oh, ok." And I let them in, but only Shoto walked in.

"Sorry, I phrased that wrong. Todoroki-kun would like to talk to you. I forgot that I need to talk to Tsuyu about something.." She says glancing at Shoto, but quickly looked away. I noticed a small blush when she mentioned Asui.

"O-oh ok! I'll see you later, Uraraka-san." I replied, the nervousness rushing to me. Shoto went further into my room as I closed the door. He quickly glanced around my room then turned to me.

"What d-do you n-need t-to talk about, Shoto?" I ask him. C'mon, get yourself together.

"Izuku, you know what I want to talk about." He replies.

"I'm.. aware."

"But there is something important Izuku. I-.."

I waited for a response, as he gathered his words. He stepped towards me.

"I-i need you to know, that I am Todo.."

My eyes widened as I tried to gasp, but was too shocked to gasp? I choked any sound that wanted to come out of me.

"H-h-how?" I choked out.

"I remember vividly dancing with you and taking you to that restaurant, I even took you to my special place! The place I didn't even share with my dear mother when times were hard. I carried you back home where I thought I would never see you again. But when I found out you were Deku, my heart skipped a beat and I knew I had never loved anyone like you! I love you, Izuku!" His words filled my heart with hope and pleasure. Every sentence he took another step towards me, and soon he had practically pinned me against the door.

"Shoto, please tell me this isn't true and I'm not dreaming!" I choked out once again and was almost in tears.

He cupped my face in his hands and said,

"Is this real enough for you?" And kissed me passionately. My eyes widened but quickly closed. I melted into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his head, one hand griping his hair. He asked for entrance, and I quickly accepted. I accidentally moaned when he slipped his tongue into my mouth. I figured that this turned him on, and he slid his hands down to my waist. He lifted me to my bed, and fell atop of me. I guess this makes me a bottom.

We parted, panting for air. I saw his eyes weren't filled with lust like I thought they would be, but with hope and overjoy.

He slid his hands further down to my thigh, and squeezed it. I softly moaned in pleasure, but I realized I didn't want to encourage him.

"Shoto, not now..~" I say now that my voice had steadied.

"When then, Izu-chan~?" He says in an almost seductive tone, next to my ear. I shiver, but giggle at the new nickname.

He has a point, I thought. There wouldn't really be another time where we could have alone, not till next weekend at the least. Not tomorrow because our friends would want to hang out before we had to go to school again..

Screw it.


-Hiya! Sorry this took long. Like, 3 days. (I'm so sorry) but it here! Yey. I don't really know if there will be smut, because I don't really know how it works or how it's done..? Really though, I was freaking out when I had made them make out. Yes, I guess I'm that sensitive. Anyway, I hope you have a great day!-

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