XXV. Winding River

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The Winding River: The sole protector of the Giant Tree, a tree that inhabits most of the animals within the Naturo Forest. Only those from the Naturo Class or those who have good hearts can cross the Winding River just by simply walking on it. Those who fail the test will drown in the violent river, struggling to reach the surface.

"I see.. I fully understand!" said Yuma, "But why's this little gremlin telling us this?"

A small creature with long ears stood before the group. Although he had a short stature, his facial features showed that he was very old.

"I'm the old elf that helps unaware people cross the Winding River," smiled the kind elf, "My name is Samsora."

"Sam.. sora?" asked Yuma, "Your name is Sam Sora?"


"Like is there a space between it..? Do you have a last name or is it just Sam Sora?"

"Samsora without the spaces."

"Your last name is also Samsora? Samsora Samsora?"

"My name is Samsora."

"So your last name actually is Sora?"

"No, my first name is Samsora."

"So what is your last—"

"Shut the hell up already!" yelled Zander out of frustration.

"Don't underestimate my small size," smiled Samsora kindly, "Despite it, I probably still have a bigger dick than you all."

"Oh wow.." commented Korudo, "This guy is pulling out all the stops."

"Mr. Samsora," said Chroma, "Please forgive my students and lead us to cross the Winding River."

Korudo was up first to cross the river, hoping that he wouldn't die or drown. Although he's crossed the river multiple times before, he still gets nervous about it.

"Remember to trust in your good heart," announced Samsora, "If you do so, you shouldn't have any worries about drowning in the river."

"Alright.." thought Korudo, "Trust in my good heart.."

Korudo stepped on the surface of the violent river. The raging waters splashed and spurred as Korudo slowly walked from one end to the other. Despite the water being so rough, it was like Korudo was stepping on a clean surface. He didn't even feel like he could slip. Soon, Korudo had crossed the Winding River.

"I made it guys!" celebrated Korudo.

Next up was Yuma. Yuma had listened to Samsora's advice, trying not to worry because he felt that he had a good heart.

"Wait.." thought Yuma, "Am I really a good heart? After all, I've harassed multiple people.. like that one Demon Spawn.. and Sarai.."

Yuma began to panic as Samsora tried to push him in.

"Wait!" yelled Yuma, trying to escape Samsora's grasp, "I don't think I can do this! Hold on!"

Samsora pushed Yuma into the river anyway. He fell on his face, getting his clothes wet from the river.

"Huh?" asked Yuma, "I'm being held up by the water? I actually have a good heart? What about those times that I've harassed other people?"

Yuma slowly began to sink in the water.

"Oh shit, oh shit!" yelled Yuma as he quickly got up and ran to the other side of the river, "Alright, alright, I get it! I shouldn't have mentioned it!"

Next up was Zander. He glared at the river before stepping into it. Once he stepped on the river's surface, Zander was sucked into the river's currents, getting pulled in by the vortex.

"A bad heart..." whispered Samsora.

Korudo tried to jump into the river to help Zander, but Yuma had stopped him, pointing at the river.

"Look!" he exclaimed.

The water inside the river began to part, revealing Zander to be standing on the ground of the deep river trench. His hands were stretched out and touching the water.

"This boy.." shivered Samsora, "His Resonance is powerful enough to go against the Winding River's violent tendencies? How powerful!"

"My vibrations can amplify or nullify vibrations or waves," explained Zander, soaking wet, "By nullifying the water that's in contact with me, I can easily cross this river!"

Zander slowly stepped towards the end of the river, focusing on the balance of his Resonance. He then climbed up the wall of the trench, the water still going around him. Soon, he got himself up to the ledge. He didn't make his way to the other side of the river by the use of Samsora's rules, but by brute force!

"Mr. Samsora," mentioned Chroma.

"Yes?" replied Samsora.

"Please forgive me, but just like my student, Zander, I too have a bad heart. I've done some unforgivable things in the past, preventing me from crossing the Winding River."

"I understand. Do you plan on abandoning your students?"

"No. However, I do plan to cross the river illegally. If you'll allow me."

"Very well."

Chroma unsheathed his sword and slashed at the ground, marking it with a line. He then threw his Balanzia into the hands of Korudo.

"Korudo, if you will," announced Chroma, "Please use that sword and make a mark into the ground. A line is preferred."

"Chroma," replied Korudo, "I know how your Portals work, but wouldn't that mean I'd have to use Resonance to infuse the sword and make a mark? I don't have the experience to make a portal."

"Look closer."

Korudo looked at the sword and noticed Chroma's hand grasping it! Chroma had cut off his arm, infused with his own Resonance so that he could create the portal! Hesitantly, Korudo made a mark on the ground using Chroma's Balanzia.

Chroma opened the mark from his side. The portal sucked him in and spit him out onto the other side, where he reconnected his hand back to his arm. He then placed his sword back into his scabbard.

"May I wish you luck in your journey!" waved Samsora.

As the group walked away, Korudo asked a question.

"Hey Chroma," said Korudo, "Why is Samsora on the outside part of the river instead of the inside if he's the helper?"

"Samsora is a helpful old elf, however he's had his fair share of troubles. The Winding River rejects him as well."

"Samsora has a bad heart? But he's such a kind old elf!"

"Don't judge people based on their looks, Korudo. Everyone has history and experience behind them, and people should be wary of that."

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