Chapter 4

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''Right- we need to hide.''


''AmerIca wHY Is YouR BRoTHer, faTHeR AnD otHEr bROthER aT THE DooR?'' 

"THe heLl aM I supPOseD to knOw?"

"America. Phone call? Remember? Tupitsa..." (Google translate; russian: Dimwit) America [Russia] said, sounding bored.

"Ohhhhhhhh, ok. Right. Well, forgive me for having short term memory,"Russia [America] nodded.

America [Russia] opened his mouth to make another remark, when Russia [America] skadoodled with such rapidity out the door and jumped down the stairs in the most undignified manner possible.

Poland stared, and opened the door. America [Russia] walked down the stairs, trying to act like America usually did even though he absolutely hated being untidy and such.

"G'Day Mate! G'Day Russia!'Merica! Move ya ass over 'ere!"Australia shouted.

"... Ayo Australia?" America [Russia] said, doing an attempt to mimic the way America spoke.

Britain observed America, finding this less louder version of his son quite strange. That, and he - the brit, that is - hadn't noticed that New Zealand, who normally was always with Australia, was missing. Also because the American had yet to insult him, not that Britain was going to complain, though.

America [Russia] opened his mouth and closed, kind of like a fish. Right.

Russia [America] face-palmed and randomly shouted.


Of course,the last part aimed at Britain.Who stared for half a moment before leaving and muttering something about a certain generation of countries being badly raised, or their population being a bad influence. Australia squinted for a few seconds while Canada watched a spider climb up onto Australia's hat.

"Australia, Canada, watch your brother for now, would you?Thank you."Britain asked from a few footsteps away, before getting back into his car. (THAT HAD THE DRIVERS SEAT ON THE WRONG FRIGGING SIDE-)

Australia looked back at Poland, squinting. The pole (? is that the correct term?) batted his eyes, looking relaxed, friendly; innocent, pure. Which was both acting, to avoid accusations of being reponsible for any problems, and the truth.

"Nah, this mate, this here lad doesn't have 'nyth'ng to do with this."

South Korea walked in the room.

"Ello, Southie!"Australia shouted, suddenly moving his head to the side, glancing at South Korea, making the spider on his head plop on the ground. Canada was on the verge of shrieking. Russia [America] watched Canada, bemused.

Australia politely pushed through Poland who was questioning himself, feeling slightly insulted that Australia thought that he was too 'innocent' so easily, though proud that his act worked.

"Hey there Australia! Whats up?"South Korea responded.

"The sky? What's wrong with Russia and 'Meri?"

"Pfft-Nice. Oh,and you can ask Japan about that! Pretty sure she'd be happy to share what's wrong with those two-"

"Hello Australia-Kun!"Japan suddenly poofed out of thin air.

"Speaking of, there she is!"South Korea exclaimed.

Japan tilted her head slightly to the side, one ear perked up and the other one flat down.

"Oh!" Both ears went back to their normal positions. Meaning, somewhat straight up.

"Ameri-Kun and Russia-Kun switched body's!"

Australia.Exe has stopped working

Meanwhile, Canada finally screeched as the spider touched his shoe.


A/N: Updates are going to be slow. Sorry.

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