Chapter 18

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Long after Russia had been taken by a doctor, America was allowed to visit. South Korea had left, having a project to work on.

America, after about a day and a half, went inside the room Russia was sharing with some other patient. The smell of purell was something America was used to, so upon entering the room, the smell didn't much faze the American. Russia was a slightly different story. Upon entering the room, Russia started breathing through his mouth. Now though, Russia had adjusted to the smell so all was pretty much fine.

A nurse was waiting for America.

"He's lucky not to have a concussion, ey?" she said, exiting the room after separating Russia and America from the other patient with a light blue-gray curtain.

America chuckled, but stopped. He walked up to Russia and slapped him.

"Ya little commie fucker! Next time you wanna go dumpster diving out of a window, make sure the dumpster ain't a rake!" the american shouted in a whisper as to not bother the other people.

Russia opened one eye and showed America his middle finger.

America grunted angrily, but suddenly smirked. And guess what? America acted as if Russia's finger was a popsickle and started to 'eat' it. Russia's eyes shot open in offense, and he pulled his fingers away from America, who grinned in victory.

"That's disgusting," the slav whispered back, "Have you any idea of how many germs were just shared?"

"Anyways, now that you'll pay attention for real, and not fake sleep, the doctor said you could leave if your just careful with a few things." America said, reading a paper stapled to the hospital bed thingy, content with ignoring the russian's answer.

Russia got up quickly, and groaned almost instantly as his head started pounding, hurting as if Rasputin on crack cocaine and steroids had come back alive and had started to dance in the Russian's head. It hurt.

America grinned.

"Aight, C'mon." America said, offering his arm and hand to help Russia. Not that it would do much, seeing as the American was extremely... fun sized... compared to the Slav.

Russia grumbled and accepted America's 'help' and the two walked out of the hospital, both ignoring the doctor who was trying to tell them that Russia had one last test to do before he could leave. Once outside, America hailed a taxi.

The taxi drove for abit, and at one point, Russia told the driver to stop, because his house was nearby. America thanked the driver for his beautiful story about events encountered throughout his job as a driver, and paid the taxi man.

The two countries walked up to Russia's house. Russia opened the door, having unlocked it, and pulled America in. The reason? It had started raining outside.

Russia watched America's reaction to the house.

America had expected something much different from Russia's house. What he was not expecting, was the smell of alcohol, but in a soft and not harsh way to attack his nose. He also was not expecting paintings and bookcases. So many books.

"You can sleep on couch until rain is gone." Russia spoke up. America thought for a few seconds.

"Ok. Thanks..." America trailed off.

Russia was slightly surprised. He had expected America to complain, or whine, or even pout at the very least!

America turned to face Russia.

"What day are we today? And also, what's the time?" the american asked, causing Russia to look at him. Russia checked his watch.

"Its 11:28 pm, February the 13th" Russia stated calmly.

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