Chapter 10

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Russia was a drunk idiot. Especially right now. He had bad timing for when he chose to be an idiot. In particular a drunk one.
A/n:t this isn't meant to be offensive in any way, and keep in mind the fact that I'm not trying to be offensive towards capitalists, communists or etc!
Also, slight mentions of death and/or suicide, but no depression included.
"AmERica, yOu cAPitALIst piG" America [Russia] slurred, on the edge of a cliff besides Scotland's home. Belarus was staring at America. She was clearly confused on why the American capitalist was insulting himself, but shook it off as him being drunk.

Russia [America] was busy with Canada, who had drank alcoholic maple syrup (it exists) by accident. Which caused the Canadian to forget Russia was really his brother in disguise, in a manner of speaking.
« RussiE. (Russia) your brother is cUte. WilL you mUrder me if I asked him ouT? » canada asked, calling him by his name in French. Seeing as the Canadian was in an altered state of mind, he was slightly more bold about his feelings and emotions in general.
Russia [America] shifted uncomfortably, but suddenly smirked with le almighty Lenny face.
« Nyet, I would not mind. » he responded, using to advantage what little Russian the American knew. Canada gasped in happiness and hugged Russia [America] who didn't know how to react. So, like any sensible sibling, he hugged the now shorter boy (Canada is shorter than Russia, and America is shorter than Canada, but since America is 'possessing' Russia's body, he is technically taller than Canada) .

America [Russia] was on the verge of jumping into the abyss when a wave of common sense hit him. It was confusing, granted, but the Russian still somewhat understood. He couldn't jump or die, or America might be stuck in the Russian's body.
That would be a disaster.
Plus, deep inside, although it wasn't very clear yet, Russia liked and appreciated the presence of the stubborn and loud American. Even if communism, in Russia's mind, was- and forever will be- better than America's capitalism. Even if it only worked in theory.

A/n: short, I'll admit. Sorry. The next part will be longer, I promise.

Remember all others reading this (pathetic excuse of a) fanfic/story, you can request any ship (not including those already existing here, ex: rusame, Canada x Ukraine, etc.
Ships Including states, provinces, cities such as Hong Kong 🇭🇰 and other.

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