Chapter 12

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As Virginia ran into the house, she collided with her sibling. West Virginia. Who New York was torturing. And New Jersey, having chosen to suffer with the New Yorker (the journal- hA), was watching from a not so safe distance.



The shout announced the arrival of both Florida and California. Who had a hand on fire, but ignored it.

Wisconsin, Utah, Vermont, Maryland, Indiana and countless others peered out of there respective rooms, some purely out of curiosity and others because they wanted to join in with the singing. The only state not present was Montana, because she (yes, a she, not a he) knew that when New York was in full-on asshole mode... The things he did were worthy of high treason, if you ask her. When in reality all he did was shout; "Hannah Montana!". And she didn't even get the worst treatment!

(And yes, take this from me, somebody who grew up in the state and city of New York. There exists a 'Full-on asshole' mode.)

Washington face-palmed, but in a dignified manner, for he was tired of New York's fooling around, and went back in his room to continue making random power points about american monuments, the pentagon, the white house, and so forth. You get the point, do you not, you somewhat intelligent/cultured reader? (Totally not a 4th wall break.)

"Almost heaven.." New Jersey began, New York glaring at Alabama to grab his banjo. (Oh, Susanna? anybody? "for i come from alabama with a banjo on my knee. oh, susanna..." just me? ok.)

"West Virginia~" New York continued, putting an arm around about said state from the song. Who groaned in internal pain. Alabama gave in to the consistent glaring, and got out a banjo and started playing along, muttering a few curses under his breath.

"Blue ridge mountains.." Vermont muttered, hoping to sing a line and than leave.

"Shannadoah river!" Texas cheerfully said, joining in on the torture New York had begun.

"Life is old tHEre, older than the trees!" Florida sang, having a voice crack, but getting into the mood.

"Younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze!" Indiana pitched in.

"Country roads! take me home... To the pla-...." New York began the refrain, and soon enough, about 30 of the states were singing along.

Russia [America] drunk a bottle of pepsi, watching, and reacting as if this always happenned before.

America [Russia], attracted by the loud noise, entered the room, and almost instantly died from shock. Russia [America] patted America [Russia] on the back.

"Ayo, dude, whats up?" Russia [America] asked.




Germany, frantic in his search for an unsuspecting way for Russia and America to go back normal, was running down the street, and passed in front of the Russian's house, when he saw Russia's father. The famous/infamous Ussr. Who, strangely enough for the German, was standing besides Germany's father. Even stranger, they weren't try to murder each other as per usual.

The two watchful and all-seeing eagle-eyed forgotten countries quickly spotted Germany, who had tried to run away.

"Deutschland." the nazi called out.

"Halo Vater." the nervous German managed to say. Only to bravely address the terrifying imposing Soviet Union right after.

"If your going t-to kidnap me or torture me, just know this."

The Soviet, by that point, picked some intrigue.

"I refuse to beg for mercy."



The red and gold flag, raised a brow, and leaned forwards to speak directly into Germany's ear, under the wary gaze of the German's father.



"That's fine"



"Your father begs for it every night."

And with that statement, Germany ran right off, shook right down to the bone.




Alaska, having no appeal for his siblings childish antics, left. And somewhere on the walk he was taking, he bumped into Germany.

"Oh- Sorry! Alaska, right?" Germany excused himself.

Alaska grinned in confirmation. And also noticed something was wrong with the work addicted country.

"Ya all right?"

"Oh yeah, discovered my father's old enemy is now in a sexual relation with my Vater. You know, the usual." Germany answered sarcastically.

"Ah. Vodka?" Alaska offered.

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