Chapter 5: Cooking Together

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"It's good to see you Mao Mao!" Mao Mao's mom used to be bigger, but she became smaller with age. She was now just a bit smaller than him.

"It's good to see you to, Ma." Mao Mao had always had a good relationship with his mom. Ran Mao had always tried to show her son the love and affection that he never got from his sisters and father. Michiko, Miku, Jade, Teruko, and Mizuki all the side ackwardly. Well....its not that they didn't give him those things, its that they never got the chance because the spent they spent so much time training with Shin.

Shin and Mao Mao may have had a more okay relationship, but they still needed time. Ran wiped tears out of Mao's eyes.

"Come on hun. Let's all make dinner, then you can tell me what's wrong." She held a hand on his cheek. Mao Mao smiled a little.

"Okay Mom."


Ran cut up veggies, potatoes, and meat with Mao Mao and his friend Badgerclops. They little one named Adorabat was right next to Ran and was smiling as she stirred up all the spices and other ingredients that made the broth. Her smile reminded Ran of when Mao Mao was a child. He wasn't much bigger than Adorabat.

Shin washed the veggies and potatoes in the sink. He would hand them to Badgerclops, who would chop the veggies and hand the potatoes to Mao Mao while Ran cut the meat, which was a mixture of beef, ham, chicken, and just a small bit of fish. Miku and Jade were pounding out dough while Teruko and Michiko shaped them into circles and put them in the oven to become biscuits. Mizuki stood next to Adorabat and added in spices and made sure she stirred properly.

The tension from before was forgotten, as it always was when Ran had the family cook together.

"Mao Mao's been teaching me all sorts of cool hero things!" Adorabat smiled again as she talked with Mizuki. Mizuki smiled back as she added in spices.

"Oh really~" she glanced at Mao Mao who avoided her eyes. "What exactly does he teach you Adorabat?" Mizuki listened with full attention as Adorabat went on and on about all the things Mao Mao teaches her. Surprisingly, Badgerclops and Shin were talking about different foods that they enjoyed. Shin was even out of his armor!

"You're doing a good job here Mao Mao." Ran looked over at her son. "I'm glad to see you've made good friends."

"Thanks Ma." Mao Mao blushed a little. Ran leaned in and whispered so no one else could hear.

"Some might even say you're like a father to the girl." Mao Mao almost dropped his cutting knife. Ran went back to cutting with a smug smile on her face. They all continued talking and laughing together as they cooked the meal. Jade turned on the radio.

This started a sort of dance off as they each took turns dancing as they cooked. Miku and Mao Mao even stood on a clear spot on the counter and started pretending to be playing guitars. Although Adorabat's funky tap dance was pretty impressive.


The meal everyone incapacitated. Ran laughed as she saw everyone, including Badgerclops, so full that they couldn't move. Well except for Mao Mao. He was laughing with Ran. Ran gave her son a worried look. Mao Mao had barely eaten anything. Teruko and Badgerclops were leaning up against each other and were fast asleep. Mizuki's head was buried in her arms as she slept. Adorabat was leaning against Mizuki's arm. Everyone else slept leaning in there chairs, or resting in their arms.

"Let's go outside Mao Mao." Mao Mao looked over at his mother, seeming to know why she wanted to talk to him.

"Okay Mom." He helped Ran out of her chair and they walked out of the door.

The night sky was beautiful and calming. Stars scattered the sky. Mao sat cross legged on the porch, Ran sat next to him.

"So, what is it that caused your friends to call me? They sounded pretty upset in the phone." Mao Mao's eyes widened. He didn't know his friends sent his mom a distressed call about him. Had he really scared them that bad? "Mao Mao." Ran's voice brought him back to reality. "What's wrong?"

"Well...." Mao Mao looked away. "I....I met a girl." Ran's eyes widened a little. She wrapped Mao Mao in a bone popping hug.

"MY BOY IS IN LOVE!!!" She then Mao Mao was crying. She let him go. "Wait did she-"

"She's the sister of Greysin Willowmane." Ran went silent. "She was using me to get the Ruby Heart. She.....she even kissed me. I really thought.....that..." Mao Mao started sobbing silently. His shoulders heaved up and down. Ran gave him a comforting hug.

"It's okay Mao Mao. It's not your fault. Love can make even the best heros blind."

As Mao Mao cried into his mother's shoulder, Winter, who was in the woods, cried silent tears. Wishing she could undo what she did, and be with Mao Mao.

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