Chapter 4: Just A Little Kiss

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Winter enjoyed the walk. During which Mao Mao told her about the blueprints the the castle, and she only had to ask about them once. He let her have the copy he always kept. Mao Mao didn't suspect a darn thing. Greysin's plan was falling in lien perfectly, yet Winter found herself apprehensive about giving the blueprints to her brother. She didn't know why.

"Are you okay, Winter? You seem upset." Mao Mao gave her a look of concern.

"I'm fine!" Winter gave a smile "Just lost in thought."

"Oh....okay then." Mao Mao smiled at her lovingly.

"Woah..." Winter thought. "If only he'd always look at me like that." Winter scolded herself again for having that thought about the enemy. She felt something around her paw. She glanced down to see Mao Mao's paw around hers. She blushed and looked at Mao Mao. He was looking away to hide his blush and avoid her eyes. Winter didn't pull away...she liked the feeling of Mao Mao's paw around hers.

When Mao Mao realized she wasn't going to pull away, he gave a goofy grin. He had to catch his breath when he saw what was in front of them.

"Would you look at that." Winter looked up and he could hear her gasp of awe. They had walked out to the edge of the forest and turned around to walk back to the kingdom. Now they stood on a hill as the moonlight lit up the Ruby Pure Heart. The light sparkled and shined as it shed a golden pink light on the whole kingdom. The stars glimmered as if reflecting the light.

"It's beautiful." Winter whispered. Mao Mao looked at her and felt heat in his face. Her eyes reflected the light perfectly, so it looked as if her eyes were glowing and twinkling. Mao Mao felt his hand that wasn't holding hers rise against his will. It gently touched her cheek. Winter froze and then turned to face him.

"You're more beautiful than the view." Mao Mao heard himself say. Winter leaned closer to Mao Mao. Mao Mao's eyes widened a little. "Winter, what are you-" He was cut off by soft lips pressed against his. Their eyes fluttered closed and their arms wrapped around each other gently. Little did they know that a grey cat watched them from a distance.


When they had gotten back to HQ, they were still holding hands. BC and Adorabat were asleep, so Mao Mao and Winter watched a movie. By the time the movie was over, they had fallen asleep in each other's arms. Winter awoke to a familiar chuckle.

"How cute." Greysin said. "Looks like you ended capturing two hearts dear sister." Winter gently removed Mao Mao's arms from around her. She looked at her brother.

"Let's talk outside." She said sternly. Her brother chuckled again.

"Why? So we don't wake up your boyfriend?" Winter blushed.

"He's not my-"

"Oh save it, Winter. I saw you kiss him. You enjoyed it too." Winter looked down at her feet. "Now give me the blueprints and we can blow this sorry excuse of a kingdom." Winter's hand went to her pocket were the copy of the blueprints were.

"I've been thinking," she looked at her brother. "What if we didn't take the heart?" Greysin grabbed his sister's ear and held it up too his mouth.

"Now you listen hear." He whispered menacingly, "Just because you have a little crush on the sheriff doesn't mean we won't go through with the plan. Now give me the blueprints."

"No." Winter growled despite the pain.

"What did you say?" Greysin was visibly angry.

"I said no." Winter growled again. Greysin smiled. It sent chills down Winter's spine. Greysin threw her to the floor, causing Mao Mao to stir. Since Mao Mao was still sleepy, it was easy for Greysin to grab him and hold a knife to his throat. Mao Mao let out a protest and Badgerclops and Adorabat busted into the room. Badgerclops raised his arm cannon.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Greysin held the knife closer. Badgerclops lowered the cannon.

"Mao Mao!" Adorabat started to cry. Mao Mao recognized Greysin. Even though he had a knife at his throat, he said in a very angry tone,

"How'd you get in here Greysin Willowmane." The grey cat chuckled.

"Why don't you ask your girlfriend?" Winter stood up. She had tears in her eyes.

"Don't hurt him Greysin! He has nothing to do with this!" Mao Mao's eyes widened.

"Winter...what's going on?" Winter wouldn't meet his eyes.

"Tell him, Winter. Tell the dear sheriff everything." Greysin had a horrible smile in his face.

"My name is Winter Willowmane. I'm his sister. We needed the blueprints to steal the Ruby Pure Heart. I was using you to get them." The three other hero's looked at her in disbelief. Mao Mao's look hurt Winter most. He looked so hurt and heartbroken. Winter pulled out the blueprints. Greysin threw Mao Mao at his friends, snatched up the blueprints, grabbed his sister's hand, and jumped through the window.

"Mao Mao." Winter said to herself as if hoping he'd hear. "I'm sorry." She started to silently cry as she ran with her brother.

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