Chapter 8: A Trip To The Lake

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Winter and Mao Mao had kept their relationship secret for about a week now. Mao Mao's family decided to stay a while so they could spend time with Mao Mao. Unfortunately this made it harder for Mao Mao and Winter to sneak out. They had finally made it outside and decided to go to a nearby lake that Mao Mao knew of.

"What if they find out we're gone?" Winter said as they walked paw in paw.

"Oh please. They'll assume we went on a patrol or something." Mao Mao kissed her cheek, making Winter blush a little.

"Alright. If you say so."


When they finally made it to the lake, the put their capes and weapons in a pile by the edge of the water. Mao Mao turned just in time to get splashed as Winter dived in.

"Come on, Mao Mao!" She called. Mao Mao dived in and disappeared under the dark water. The night made him invisible. "Mao Mao?" Winter looked around for him, then felt two paws on her waist as Mao Mao surfaced and lifted her up. She let out a surprised laugh.

"I'm right here!" Mao Mao laughed with her.

"That's not fair! Put me down!" Winter laughed some more as she struggled. "I mean it, Jellyboy!"

"Okay then my little mint. You asked for it." Mao Mao let himself fall backwards, causing both himself and Winter to fall into the water. As they both surface, Winter splashed him. "What was that for!" Mao Mao chuckled.

"Payback." Winter smiled slyly. She swam over and kissed Mao Mao while he was disoriented. He kissed back. Winter loved how things were. She never wanted them to change. She wanted to stay with Mao Mao forever and Mao Mao wanted to stay with her.


When they got back to HQ, they were laughing and smiling, but were silenced when they saw Badgerclops, Adorabat, and Mao Mao's family sitting in the living room. They looked agitated.

"Where have you two been?" Jade asked. "And why are you wet?" Mao Mao crossed his arms.

"We went on a patrol and found a horse drowning in the lake, so we dived in to save it." Shin looked at him questioningly.

"A horse?" Badgerclops asked skeptically.

"Mao Mao, we thought you two had been captured or something." Ran stood up.

"Well we weren't. Now please excuse us, but Winter and I are going to get some dry clothes on." Mao Mao grabbed Winter's hand and walked away.


Mao Mao finished changing before Winter, so he walked into the kitchen to make himself a quick snack. Michiko stood by the counter.

"Why are you lying Mao Mao?" Mao Mao looked Michiko in the eyes.

"I don't know what you're talking about?" Michiko sighed and set her hat on the counter. She fished out a bag of chips and tossed it to Mao Mao.

"Here, since you're hungry. I'm not going to tell anyone else Mao Mao. You know I won't, so you may as well tell me." Mao Mao sat on the counter next to Michiko and opened his chips.

"You promise?" He gave her a sideways glance.

"I promise." She pulled out another bag of chips and started eating them. "Now spill it."

"Winter and I.....went to the lake to swim." Michiko rolled her eyes.

"I know that. Quit trying to play dumb and answer my actual question." Mao Mao sighed and ate a chip.

"We've been dating for a week." Michiko coughed on her chips. After her coughing fit was done, she turned to Mao Mao.

"You're serious?"

"I am." Mao Mao didn't meet her eyes. Michiko picked him up and swung him around in a hug.

"YES!!! Why were you keeping this secret!?" She set him back on the counter. Mao Mao did his best not to puke.

"One: everyone is going to do something like you just did. Two: what's Dad going to think if he knew I was dating someone who was once my enemy? I already struggle trying to make him proud." Michiko put a hand on Mao Mao's shoulder and smiled.

"Who cares what anyone else thinks about you and Winter? You make each other happy! Plus this means Miku and I won the bet." Mao Mao gasped.

"You bet on my love life." Michiko laughed.

"Oh dear brother, that's what older siblings do. Now go tell everyone so Mom can plan your wedding and so Miku and I can get our money." She shoved him into the living room, were Winter had just entered. Michiko picked up her hat and sat next to Jade.

"Umm...." Mao Mao walked over to Winter and whispered what had happened in the kitchen. Winter gave Mao Mao's sisters a death glare. They whispered to each other a minute linger and turned to everyone else.

"Everyone...." Winter started.

"We have something to tell you." Mao Mao took a long, refreshing sigh. In union, he and Winter said together,

"We're dating."

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