Chapter 18: What's He Hiding?

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Mao Mao's family decided to stay in Pure Heart Valley, so did Greysin and Tanya. The Sky Pirates decided to become adventurers, but promised to visit often. Since Mao Mao's family, Tanya, and Greysin stayed, the police force grew, and so did the H.Q, but for the last few weeks Mao Mao had seemed off.

"Is it just me," Badgerclops said through a mouthful of leftover noodles, "or is Mao Mao avoiding everyone?" Teruko, who had also been eating noodles and admiring Badgerclops, looked over as her brother walked past Ran.

"Oh! Mao Mao!" Ran put a hand on Mao Mao's shoulder, causing him to jump.

"Mom!" Mao Mao turned around as his voice came out in a nervous squeak. He looked incredibly tense.

"Umm.....I was going to ask if you wanted to bake a pie with me, but now.....are you okay?" Mao Mao cast his glance away from his mother and scratched his head nervously.

"I'm fine! I would love to bake a pie, but I have.....errands to run." Before Ran could reply, Mao Mao darted out of the door.

"Yep. He's definitely avoiding everyone." Teruko said as she slurped up more noodles. "He loves baking with Mom." Badgerclops watched as Winter came downstairs.

"Anyone seen Mao Mao?" Adorabat, who was watching TV with Tanya, turned with a concerned glimmer in her eyes.

"Dad just left." Winter stared at the ground, disappointed.

"Oh.....okay...." She slumped into a chair next to Teruko and let her head fall onto the cool surface of the dining table.

"Are you okay?" Teruko gazed down. Winter let out a long sigh, and when she spoke, both Teruko and Badgerclops could hear the sadness lacing her voice.

"I haven't gotten to be with Mao Mao for a good few weeks. He hasn't even spoken to me." Teruko heard her quietly choke back a sob. Winter was trying not to breakdown I'm front of everyone. Badgerclops got up and moved to the seat on the other side of Winter, so he could put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sure it's nothing." Badgerclops did his best to sound confident in his words.

"We'll talk to him." Teruko's words had a sharp edge to them. Tanya glided over in her usual way.

"No, I'll find him." Teruko made eye contact with the other female. She didn't seem happy.

"Why should you go after him?" Teruko sneered.

"Well, unlike you, I spent five good years as his friend. I know where he'd go." Teruko looked back at Badgerclops as if asking if they should let Tanya find him. Badgerclops glance down at Winter, then nodded. Teruko let out a long, displeased sigh.

"Fine. Find him." Tanya smiled triumphantly and walked out of the front door and looked around.

"If Mao Mao wanted to be alone," Tanya thought to herself, "he would have gone somewhere high and isolated. Somewhere he could get a good view without anyone seeing him." Tanya looked around for a place like that. She smiled when she saw tall spire on the castle. "He could climb that."


Tanya had been right. When she made it to the top, she stopped to breath and saw Mao Mao sitting crossed legged, facing away from her while he muttered to himself. She crept up behind him slowly, and then spoke in a loud and cheery tone, "Hey Mittens!" Mao Mao yelped in surprise and sprang to his feet. He spun around and held his hands behind his back.

"Tanya!" Mao Mao tried to hide the nervousness in his voice with annoyance. "I could have fallen!"

"Don't worry. I woulda caught ya." She sat down with him, their legs dangling off the roof of the spire. "So is this the errands you had?" Mao Mao blushed a bit, still holding his hands behind him.

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