Chapter 21: Wedding

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Mao Mao was an absolute nervous reck. "Sore ga umaku ikanai baai wa dō narimasu ka!? Moshi kanojo ga ki ga kawatta to shitara!?" Mao Mao shouted as he rocked back and forth in the corner of the living room. Winter, Ran, Adorabat, Teruko, Jade, and Miku were all at the palace. King Snugglemane had offered to let them stay with him so Mao Mao didn't end up seeing Winter before their wedding ceremony officially started at 10 am.

"Oh no." Michiko said as she pinched the bridge of her noise, "He starts speaking Japenese when he's panicking."

"Mao Mao is panicked?" Badgerclops thought he'd never have to use thise four words, ever.

"Dekimasen!" Mao Mao shouted, and ducked his head between his legs. Shin Mao suddenly snapped and grabbed Mao Mao's shoulders, hosting him up to his feet.

"Stop that, Mao Mao! You can do this!" Badgerclops, who didn't know a single bit of Japenese, stared in confusion at what was unfolding before him.

"Kanojo ga kanojo no kokoro o kaetara dō narimasu ka?" Mao Mao spoke in a rapid, distressed tone.

"Does she live you Mao Mao?" Shin's voice was stern as he stared into his son's panicked eyes.

"Hai." Mao Mao's voice wasn't so panicked when he spoke.

"Do you love her?" Shin Mao's voice grew louder.

"Mochiron." Mao Mao's back straightened.

"I said, do you love her!?" Shin Mao was shouting now.


"I can't hear you!"

"HAI!!!" The panicked tone was completely gone from Mao Mao's voice, replaced by a steely determination.

"Then she isn't gonna change her mind! Now what are you gonna do!?" Shin Mao spoke like he was giving military orders instead of giving his son a pep talk.

"Fuyu no kekkon!" Mao Mao replied, looking ready to battle.

"Then why are you still standing here!? Let's get you ready!" And with that, Mao Mao ran to go out on his wedding clothes.

"What just happened?" Badgerclops asked, turning to Mizuki.

"Dad gave Mao Mao a pep talk."

"Did it work?"



Mao Mao now stood wearing a black kimono with silver trim. Black kimonos were signature wedding apparel for Japenese weddings.

"Dang, Mao Mao! Looking sharp!" Badgerclops exclaimed as he came back into the living room wearing a blue suit.

"Thanks. Not to bad yourself, Badgerclops." Badgerclops merely laughed.

"Guys, we gotta go." Michiko said as she walked through the room, "We don't want the groom being late for his own wedding!"


The wedding was taking place in Pure Heart Valley Square, were Mao Mao and Winter had first met. They had made it so King Snugglemane stood in front of the fountain with a wedding book. There were flower decorations and lanterns all through out the square. All of Pure Heart Valley had shown up to see the wedding. Mao Mao tapped his foot impatiently from his spot to Snugglemane's left.

"Patience, Sheriff. Your bride will be here soon." the King said in a calming voice. This didn't help Mao Mao. He wouldn't hold still until Adorabat walked through the center of the rows of chairs on either side of the fountain. She was wearing an adorable yellow sundress and was tossing water lilies over her head. When she made it up to the fountain, she winked at Mao Mao and took a seat next to Ran on the groom's side.

Mao Mao let out a soft gasp as Winter appeared. She wore a red qipao with silver flower patterns. She held a bouquet of white and red roses. When she made it up to Mao Mao, he nearly fainted as she smiled. Mao Mao didn't focus on anything other than Winter until Snugglemane got to the vows.

"Do you, Winter, take Mao Mao as you're husband? To have and to hold through sickness and in health?" Winter's dazzling eyes met Mao Mao's as she spoke her response.

"I do." Snugglemane smiled and turned to Mao Mao.

"Do you, Sheriff Mao Mao, take Winter as your wife? To have and to hold through sickness and in health?"

"I do."

"The rings!" Snugglemane called. Greysin approached the fountain and held out two rings in his palm. One was yin, the other was yang. Mao Mao picked up the black yin ring and slipped it on to Winter's finger. The hole in the larger portion of the yang was at the bottom of her ring finger, and the end curled around Winter's finger.

Winter picked up the white yang ring. It was the same as the yin, but a mirror image and white. She put it on Mao Mao's ring finger with ease.

"You may now kiss the bride!" Snugglemane exclaimed with glee. Mao Mao pulled Winter in and kissed her with as much passion and love as he possibly could. The crowd of Cutie Pies cheered and clapped. As they parted from their kiss, Winter smiled and chucked the bouquet into the crowd. Everyone launched for it, but it landed in the lap of the Tanya, who looked at it with surprise and then turned to look at Greysin, who then blushed and turned away.

"I can't believe it." Mao Mao whispered to Winter as they embraced, "I'm married to the woman of my dreams." Winter giggled.

"I bet this wedding was a legendary one." Mao Mao smiled at her words.

"It was better than legendary, Winter." Mao Mao leaned down and kissed her cheek. "It was real. It wasn't some silly dream of a bit who wanted to impress his father." Winter's eyes became shiny with threatening tears. She quickly blinked a few times before speaking again.

"I love you, Mao Mao." Winter put her head against her husband's shoulder. Mao Mao put a loving hand on his wife's head.

"I love you too, Winter." Suddenly, a this reverberated through the Valley, knocking the happy couple out if their romantic moment. Everyone turned toward the source of the thud to see a reptilian beast running through the streets towards the wedding party. Mao Mao and Winter smirked at each other and produced their weapons from hidden places in their clothes. He other members of the police department quickly armed and readied themselves for the oncoming monster.

"What do guys say?" Badgerclops called, "First one to take it down gets a free dinner." Mao Mao chuckled by Winter's side.

"You're on." Then they all charged the beast. Their story had come to a full circle.

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