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Lee Naeun as Yeo Juda
Jung Gunjoo as Lee Dohwa

Yeo Juda's Pov.

When we arrived to the place where Lee Dohwa wanted to go, he quickly pulled me and ran to the shore.

"So, this is where you want us to go?" I asked him as he nod his head.

"Hmmm. I want to be back here with you this time." He told me as we walk along the shore.

"But I was here with you. When the school had the Couple Trecking." I told him as we saw a little turtle.

"Yeah, but that was included in the manhwa." He said as we walk back to the accomodation.

"Good evening, Mr. Lee *bows* We already arranged the room you asked us and the other stuff prepared. Here are the room keys." The receptionist said as they gave Dohwa two cards.

We entered the elevator when...

"Wait, I haven't asked permission from my appa yet." I told him as I scramble to get my phone.

"It's fine. I already asked your appa. Plus, I already called your bodyguard to bring you some clothes. So don't worry, okay." Dohwa said as I nod my head.


We got out of the elevator and Dohwa gave me the key card.

"I'll pick you up in 30 minutes. Annyeong Yeo Juda" He told me when he left me hanging.

I went inside the room and saw my clothes there and a white dress placed on the bed.

I grabbed the letter and read it.

"Yeo Juda, please wear this tonight and wait for me there. Lee Dohwa."

I then got changed into the dress and arrange myself as I wait for Lee Dohwa.

Knock Knock

I opened the door and saw Dohwa wearing a simple polo shirt and holding a boquet of flowers.

"You look pretty." He told me as I lowered my head and grabbed his hand.

"Here. We might need to leave this here." He told me as he gave me the boquet and I left the flowers inside the room.

"Where are we going?" I asked him as we went out of the accomodation and back to the beach.


Lee Dohwa's Pov.

"Here." I said as I showed Juda the canopy assembled in the beach with some fairy lights surrounding them.

"How did you do this?" She asked me as she looked bewildered.

"I asked the staff. Now let's eat." I told her as we went to the chairs assembled and ate the food prepared.

I grabbed the blanket on the canopy and covered her shoulders.

After talking and eating the food, the staff came out and gave us the bingsoo.

We ate the dessert as we look at the stars.

Then, the music started to play. Courtsey of the staff.

I stood up and went to Yeo Juda's side.

"May I have this dance?" I asked her as I extend my arm to her.

"Of Course." She said as she grabbed my hand and stood up.

I placed my hands around her waist and her arms around my neck.

"I thought this was suppose to be your wish, why am I the one being treated this way?" She asked me as she looked straight into my eyes.

"Well, that is my wish. My wish is for me to make Yeo Juda happy and seeing you smile that way makes me happy." I told her as she turned red.

"How do you do that, Lee Dohwa?" She asked me as we started swaying.

"Do what?" I asked her.

"Making me smile, making me laugh. You just happen to make me blush. How do you do that?" She asked me as she tried to think hard.

"It isn't hard. I just think of something that you would like and make that happen. I just want to see you smile." I answered her question.

"Thank You." She said as she smiled and places her head on my chest as she hugs me.

"You will always be welcome." I told her as I hugged her back.

"But before that, I have one more surprise for you." I told her as I let go and grabbed something.

"Here." I told her as I showed her the blindfold. I covered her eyes and brought her somewhere.

"Where are we?" She asked me as I stopped her from moving.

I kneeled down in one knee and opened the box.

"Now, you can take off the blindfold." I said as she took of the blindfold off as looked at me.

"Yah, Lee Dohwa." She said as she wandered her eyes until she saw me.

"Yeo Juda, will you please marry me?" I asked her as I looked into her eyes.

"Yes." She said as I smiled as I stood up and slid the ring on her finger.

"Yes! She said Yes!" I screamed as I jump up and down and hugged her.

She then laughed as I put her down.

"So, does this mean?" I asked her as she nods her head.

"Of course. That means I love you too, Lee Dohwa." She said making her kiss her on her forehead.

"I love you too." I told her as I smiled at her.

"Kaja, Lee Dohwa. We need to go home. We have school tomorrow." She told me as we walk slowly to the accomodation as I place my arm around her and held her hand.

"Okay, I'll just go get my stuff and I'll be back to your room. So we could go home." I told her as we went to our rooms and grabbed our stuff.

I quickly went to Juda's room and grabbed her things as we check out of the accomodations and rode my motorcycle.

Yeo Juda's Pov.

After an hour of travelling back to my house with Dohwa who is now my fianće. We went inside and saw my dad talking on his phone as Dohwa gave our bags to the helper.

"Juda, Dohwa. I thought you would be home a bit later." My appa said as he placed his phone back to his pocket.

"Well, Mr. Yeo. Your daughter told me that we have school tomorrow and I actually I agreed to her coming home." Dohwa said making me smile at him and held his hand.

"But I already agreed on you guys being late. I already gave you the permission." Appa said as me and Dohwa looked at each other and smiled.

"Well, Mr. Yeo. Its not like I can say no to my future wife." Dohwa said making me blush.

"Oh, your future...- Wait! Did you say future wife?!" Appa exclaimed as we laughed.

I went to my appa and hugged him.

"Appa, I'm getting married." I told him as he grabbed my hands and saw the ring on my finger.

"Well, well! Lee Dohwa and my daughter. This is going to be a blast. I hope you teo would be happy. Always. Now Dohwa, my son. I hope you make my daughter happy." Appa said as he hugged me and Dohwa.

"Now, I'll just rest and leave you two alone. But, I expect you will not do things that may cause harm. Okay?" Appa said as we nod our heads and laugh.

"Now, you go to sleep. I'll head back home and inform my parents and I'll pick you up tomorrow morning." He told me as I nod my head and hugged him.

"Annyeong." I told him as I felt his lips brush into my forehead.

He let go and waved goodbye as he left the house.

I went upstairs and changed my clothes and got ready for bed with a smile on my face.