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Lee Dohwa's Pov

Me and Juda are walking towards the party when we saw Namjoo waiting for us.


We decided to walk pass him when

"Yeo Juda, can I talk to you?" He asked as Juda looked at me and I know that look.

"Sure, I'll wait for you here." I told her as she nods her head and they went to the side and started talking.

I wonder what they are talking about.

I was about to barge into their conversation when hyung called me.

"Yah, you didn't even wait for me to get married. You're that rushed?" He asked me making me laugh at his antics.

"Where is my sister in law?" Hyung asked me as I pointed at Juda and Namjoo talking to each other.

"So, tell me why aren't you smiling? It's your birthday plus you and Juda are going to be officially engaged today. Be happy and smile." Hyung said as I tried to smile at him.

I then put my attention back to them as I saw Juda frown as Namjoo holds her wrists.

I was about to barge in when Juda cam to me and sighed.


"Ne, kaja." She answered me but she forced a smile on her face.

They were about to open the double doors when I signaled them not to for a minute.

I pulled Juda and hugged her.

"What's wrong?" I asked her as she hugged me back tightly.

"It's just Namjoo, he just told me that he would take me from you. He said that you're not married to him yet so I can still get you from him." She told me honestly as I pat her head.

"It's fine. Don't worry, okay? I won't let him get close to you. Promise." I told her as we let go of our hug when we heard the Mc call our name.

I then signaled the man on the door to open them. I held her hand as we walk out to the party.

"Please welcome our birthday celebrant Lee Dohwa and her fiancé Yeo Juda!"

The guests clapped and we started eating. I sat down after talking to my parents and got food for myself. I walked to where Juda and Danoh are talking.

I sat down and they both looked at me.

"Wae?" I asked them and started eating.

"Eobseo. (Nothing.)" they both said at the same time.

I continued eating when I felt Juda come closer to me. So in my instinct, I looked up and saw Namjoo sitting in front of us.

I held Juda's hands and mouthed to her that it is okay.

She then nodded and I looked at Danoh asking for help.

"Juda yah, wanna go to the chocolate fountain?" Danoh asked Juda as she looked at me and I knew why.

She was asking for permission.

I smiled.

"Sure, you can go." I told her when she was about to leave.

"That's right. Yeo Juda loves strawberries." Namjoo said making Danoh and Juda stop.

"Go ahead. I'll be with you guys for a minute." I told them as they left me and Namjoo on the table.

"What do you want, Namjoo yah?" I asked him as I place my utensils on my plate.

"You know what I want. We're the main characters in the manhwa, so you can't just change the story." Namjoo said making me stand up and made myself presentable.

"Well, we both know who she loves." I was about to leave when I looked back at him.

"And if you lay a finger on her I swear you will regret it."

I walked to where Juda and Danoh are only to find Juda there.

"Where's Danoh?" I asked her as she looked at me with the side of her mouth covered with chocolate.

I grabbed my handkerchief and wiped it for her.

"She's with Haru. She's preventing girls from coming near him." She said as she picked up another biscuit and dipped it on the chocolate fountain.

"Here." I then opened my mouth and she gave me the cookie.

"So is there anything else to do before we go home?" Juda asked me as I remembered something.

"Mr. Lee, Ms. Yeo. You need to be up there for the finale of the ceremony.

We then walked up and stood in the middle.

The Mc clicked the glass and got everyone's attention.

"Mr. Lee would like to make an announcement." She then gave the mic to my appa.

"To my son and my daughter, I wish you a good life. May I present to you our newly engaged couple Lee Dohwa and Yeo Juda!" Appa said as we hugged him as everyone cheered.

We went down and I stood by Juda who was sitting.


A soft melody played.

I stood in front of her and held out my hand for her.

"May I have this dance?" I asked her as she laughs at me.

"Yah, you're not suppose to laugh." I told her making her stiffle a laugh.

"Fine." She said as she took my hand as we dance in the middle.

After a very very very long dance. We both sat back down as I notice her holding her foot.

"Gwenchana?" I asked her as she nods her head.

I then kneeled and grabbed her foot.

"Yah, Oppa! Whata re you doing?!" She said as I took off both of her heels and sat back down on the chair.

I grabbed me foot and massaged it for her.

"Ouch!" She said as I looked down and saw a slight bruise on her ankle.

"You sure you are fine?" I asked her as she looked at me and smiled.

"I'm fine." She said as she put down her foot from my lap and stood up.

"See. I told yo- Ahh!!!" I then stood up and catch her.

"I told you what? That's it." I then carried her bridal style and inside the building of the venue.

"Stay here." I told her as she sighs and nod her head.

I went to where the Mc is and told her that they could continue the after party without us.

I then grabbed the box I prepared earlier and brought it back to where Juda is.

I kneeled down and slip her foot into the sneakers.

After that, I help her stood up and went out of the venue and to where I asked my motorcycle is.

"Jakaman. Where are we going?" Juda asked me as I put the helmet on her.

"My engagement gift." I told her as she smiles and we both mount the motorcycle and drive away.

I felt her hands on my torso.

"Get ready!" I told her as I felt her chin on my shoulder.


"We're gonna go fast!" I told her as I drove faster to where my surprise is.