Mission Briefing

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****Picture of Megan Fox on side****

I am eighteen years old. I should be a senior in high school, but instead I am training and going on missions for SECRET. Normally, I didn’t get time off, but when I did, I daydreamed about high school life. What is it like? What are the kids like? Is it fun? The way I imagined it, high school was fun. Teachers were exuberant and students were enthusiastic. Classes include: math, science, english, history, art, gym, and study hall. Lunch was a peaceful time when girls gossiped about guys, guys tried to win over girls, and trouble never erupted. The school was just perfect all around. But I guess daydreams are just that, daydreams. But I couldn't daydream, I had to get to my mission briefing.

I met my mission informat, Silvia Evermore. I found it surprising that she along with Cord Riskener and Estaban Telando founded SECRET. The agency’s acronym came from their names. Pretty clever. But getting back to the meeting with Silvia, we started by going into a small room. It reminded me of an interrogation room with its one way window, small metal table, and two metal chairs. We sat down across from each other, shook hands, and then Silvia started giving me my mission information. Although, today she seemed a bit nervous, like what she was going to tell me would shatter me.

“Ryan,” she started, her voice flat and emotionless. “You know that you are one of our best agents and also one of our youngest agents.” I nodded, agreeing with the statement. In these kind of meetings I rarely talked and just communicated via body language. “But this mission is different from the rest.” Silvia’s voice gained a hint of nervousness. “You won’t be attacking A.S.S. agents. Instead, you will have to protect this girl, Taylor Green, from an attack by A.S.S.” Silvia held up a picture of Taylor. The picture only showed her face, but that was the only thing I needed to see to immediately fall in love with her. Her sky blue eyes were a beautiful contrast to her wavy dark brown hair. Her smile was white and perfect, like an untouched layer of snow on the ground. Her skin seemed to emanate confidence and energy, even from the picture. Every aspect of her that I could see was perfect. But what am I thinking. As beautiful as she is, agents aren’t supposed to fall in love. This is definitely going to be a tough mission.

“We have learned that an agent from A.S.S. has infiltrated her everyday life. We believe that he or she is waiting for the signal to attack. Your mission is to anticipate attacks at any moment. We are sending you undercover as a high school senior. We are putting you in all of Taylor’s classes to monitor her. And remember, expect an attack at ANY time.” I nodded my head, acknowledging that I understood. Even though I wanted to jump around the room and scream, “I’m going to highschool!” I remained sitting. “You start tomorrow.” I stood up and started to walk out. Before I could get out the door, Silvia warned me, “Ryan. High schoolers are different than us. They don’t always do what they are told. They will lie, can be deceitful and you cannot trust any of them. Just make sure you protect Taylor Green.”

“I promise Silvia, I will.” Those were the first and last words I said during our meeting. Then I carefully walked out of the room and went to my dorm. All agents had one near the agency headquarters. As soon as I got in and closed my door, I started jumping and dancing around the room. “FINALLY!!” I yelled to myself, “I GET TO GO TO HIGH SCHOOL!!!”

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