Introductions and Chelsea

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“So, you’re Chris Ravencroth,” Taylor commented; her voice soft and gentle. I nodded because I was speechless. “You’re not very talkative, are you? Well, let’s see your schedule.” Taylor talked as if she had done this a million times before. Then she took my schedule from me and started looking it over. “Let’s see. . . Your period one is English with Mr. Lieuan. Same as me!” Second period is art with Mrs. Talon. I have her second too. Third is math with Mr. Collins, just like me. Infact, we have identical schedules. And your locker is also right next to mine! Guess we’ll be seeing each other a lot.” I nodded. “Well, we should probably get to Mr. Lieuan, he’ll love having a new student!”


“. . . which led Shakespeare to-”

“Mr. Lieuan,” Taylor interrupted.

“Ah, Taylor. I see you’ve brought back Mr. . . ”

“Ravencroth,” I said seeing his obvious hesitation to say the name correctly. Taylor left me in front of the class with me and glided to her seat. I then noticed that Mr. Lieuan wanted me to come towards him. He whispered in my ear, “Don’t worry about these students. Their bark is worse than their bite.” Noting the warning, I looked around the room looking for A.S.S. agents. What I saw were high school seniors. Some girls wore revealing shirts and short shorts. Others wore a shirt and some shorts. A few girls wore sweaters and tried to stay away from people. A couple wore heavy makeup and black clothing. The guys all wore either jeans or shorts. The tops were a mixture of plain colored shirts that were loose, shirts that were called graphic tees, and hoodies. The entire class seemed to just be groups of people hanging out. Girls gossiping, guys talking sports, people listening to music, and a few select people that were actually paying attention. “Just take a textbook and find a seat. You are just in time for one of my lessons on Shakespeare,” Mr. Lieuan told me, bringing me back to the real world. I saw three open chairs; one by some athletic guys, one by some gossiping girls, and one behind Taylor. I obviously went for the seat behind Taylor. As soon as I took my seat, Taylor turned around and told me the basics on how to survive senior year. “First of all, don’t be late. Teachers hate it and give you detention slips. Too many of those and you have to spend another year here. Second, keep your grades up. Otherwise, it’s another year. Third, don’t interfere with couples ‘cause that earns you”

“I know,” I said cutting her off. “Another year here.”

“No, a bad rep. Fourth and foremost, listen to your science teacher. One wrong chemical mix up and you are history! Got it?”

“I’ll manage,” I replied. After the small crash course, the girl next to Taylor cleared her throat loudly.

“Oh, this is my best friend, Veronica. And that sexy man behind her is my friend, Robert. Veronica is sort of a science geek.”

“Guilty as charged,” Veronica commented. Veronica didn’t look like a science geek, more like someone that would. . . what is it. . . skateboard. Her hair honey blonde and coming down a couple inches below her shoulders. Her lips curved into a smirk. Her eyes dark and untrusting. Clothing included a jean jacket, black shirt with a red and white rose on it and some black skinny jeans.

“And Robert is on the wrestling team,” Taylor continued.

“I've never lost a single match,” Robert proudly stated. Robert had muscles, probably from wrestling. He has short messy brown hair and sported a brown abercrombie and fitch shirt, or at least that’s what was written on the shirt. Robert also wore faded blue jeans. His eyes were what caught me off guard. They said “I’m nice” when you first look, but underneath that, they said “I’m violent.” I’d definitely have to keep an eye on him.

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