Starting High School

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I find it surprising what boys in high school wear. I normally wear something that resembles a ninja outfit or just a shirt and jeans. But in high school, a lot of guys have saggy pants and loose shirts. It’ll be a challenge to adjust. If the clothing is different; I can’t even begin to imagine what changes the actual school has in store for me.

So, I finally arrived at the Terran Calermo High School. My first task was to get my schedule, or whatever they call it from the main office. I started walking into the highschool, determination soared through me with each step. Once I stepped into the office, I expected to be helped immediately. Apparently, that wasn’t happening. I thought that the people in the office were busy, so I just sat down and waited. Once five minutes had gone by, I lost my patience and had to get help.

“Excuse me!” I yelled to no one in particular. A woman in glasses started tilting her head up. She ever so carefully started walking towards me until she got to the front desk.

“Can I help you, sir?” she asked in an annoyed tone.

“I’m Chris Ravencroth, the new student,” I retorted.

“Let me see now. . .” she mumbled to herself while walking back to her computer. Then she started typing, pulling up lists and documents and other things. “Jen Raberlin. . . Paul Ragerton. . . Derek Raller. . . Alecia Ratlon. . . AHA! Here you are Chris Ravencroth. Let me get your schedule.” A piece of paper started printing. Once the machine released the paper, the woman snatched it and rushed it to me. She thrust it at me, shoving it into my chest.

As I removed it from my chest, I started to scan it. My classes were Math with Mr. Collins, Science with Mrs. Gullen, Art with Mrs. Talon, English with Mr. Lieuan, Gym with Mr. Monahan and other subjects with teacher names I couldn’t pronounce. As I was scanning, something in the top right corner caught my eye. There was a little scribble of text that read Student Helper: Taylor Green.

“Excuse me,” I said to the lady. She turned to me, ready to help. “What is this?” I asked pointing to the scribbles.

“Oh. That is your student guide. Taylor will show you the basic ‘ropes’ of the school.” She then casually walked over to a microphone and pressed a button. “Will Taylor Green please come to the main office. Taylor Green to the main office.” Her voice loudly echoed around me. It hurt my ears, so I covered them and sat down in a chair. Once the echoes stopped, I uncovered my ears. The lady helping me looked at me like I was crazy. “Taylor should be here in a couple minutes.”

Surely enough, Taylor arrived at the front office minutes later. But what really astounded me was that she was even more beautiful than she was in the picture. Her hair looked silky and more beautiful than any picture could capture. She wore a halter top dress that looked stunning. The dress was hot pink slowing fading into a deep violet as it cascaded down her body. Her face was that of an angel’s. Her entire face seemed to have a glow around it. But I had to remain focused on my mission. She started walking over gracefully, like she was walking on flower petals. As she approached, I tried to keep my feelings under control. Scene 1 of the best acting of my life. Ready. . . Set. . . ACTION!

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