Can't Get You Outta My Head

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All throughout the rest of the day, I couldn’t get my mind off of Taylor. We were almost late to history because we lost track of time while in the library. I couldn't take my eyes off of Taylor as I sat it my seat. Even though I could only see the back of her, I caught her glancing back at me lovingly. I also saw that she was constantly writing in her notebook, but I don't think that she was writing about what was on the board. I don't even remember my last period of the day, all I remember is following Taylor to a classroom, sitting down, and gazing at her. On occasion, I would look at the board to seem like I was paying attention, all the while thinking about Taylor.

The only sound that I paid attention to was the bell that signified that I was supposed to leave school. Taylor and I could finally be together with no interruptions. Except maybe her parents. But I would cross that bridge when I got to it. As we walked through the hall, I tried to remember where Taylor lived. We decided that it was better for me to drive us home instead of her taking the bus. Once we walked out of the school, I told Taylor that I had to call Diego to let him know I’d be at her house. She quickly kissed me on the cheek, “Try and make it quick,” she pleaded, then walked over to my Mercedes. She went to the back of the car and rested her arms on the trunk.

I dialed Diego’s number, “Diego?”

“Ryan? Why are you calling me? You know not to call when agents while they’re on stakeouts,” Diego whispered into the phone.

“That why I’m calling, you don’t have to stake out Taylor’s house, I’ll be there.”

“Ryan, why are you doing the stakeout. You are just assigned to watch her at school. Or is this personal.”

“No,” I blurted out. “I just told her that I needed a tutor.”

“Ryan, don’t lie to me. You’ve fallen in love with her, haven’t you.” Diego knew that I had fallen in love. I couldn’t admit it, so I stayed silent for a long while. “You have. Ryan, you know that it’s forbidden. They’ll have to kick you out. And I don’t want one of our best agents ruining his career for some girl.”

“Well what if Silvia never found out? I could just say I have to move away, and that can give me an excuse not to see Taylor.” I hated saying those words; I never wanted to leave Taylor. I started walking over to her, getting ready to hang up on Diego. She had started pacing in the lot, obviously bored. Then out of the corner of my eye, I saw a blue Chrysler start moving. It veered around to the aisle where Taylor was pacing. I focused on the car and saw that the driver was revving the car, as if holding back a sudden burst of energy. In the background I heard Diego’s voice, “Ryan, are you still there. . . Ryan? What is going on?”

I muttered, “Oh, crap.” Then the driver sent the car shooting forward, no doubt trying to hit Taylor. I immediately dropped my phone and dashed to Taylor. She was still pacing, oblivious to the approaching danger. I screamed out, “TAYLOR!!” And she stopped in the middle of the aisle turning to face me.

“WHAT IS IT CHRIS?” I heard her shout back.

“CAR!” I yelled, less than 10 yards from her. Taylor turned and saw the mechanical vehicle approaching her. She didn’t move from her spot. It was as if she was frozen from fear. I could tell that the car would reach Taylor any moment now, so I knew what I had to do. Using all my force, I ran and shoved Taylor out of the path of the car. I barely had any time to react when I felt a sudden pain all throughout my body. I knew that I had been hit by the car. I stared right at the face of the driver before blacking out. I knew who the agent trying to kill Taylor was.

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