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I brought Taylor back to my car and we started our drive back. Neither of us spoke at any point in time. I could tell that Taylor felt sorry for me. Once we reached the school, I parked where I had before and we got out of the car. I was worried about what Veronica had said to Taylor. I mean, Taylor always tries to keep calm, but whatever Veronica said, it scared her.

As Taylor and I walked into the school, I saw kids just rushing around. I realized that we had walked in right after the second period had ended. “There you two are!” I heard Veronica shout. She appeared before us in a matter of seconds. “Come on,” she said taking Taylor’s hand. Taylor grabbed my hand and we started rushing through the halls and crowds. I had absolutely no idea where Veronica was taking us.

When we finally stopped, we were outside of Mrs. Gullen’s room. There was crime scene tape across the door. I looked inside and saw blood on the floor and my mind immediately jumped to conclusions. The other agent had done it and they were sending a message; they could get anyone at anytime. One of her second period students found her,” Veronica told Taylor, interrupting my thoughts. “No one knows who did it or why, but they are keeping the school open for the day for some reason. Something about the kids need their education or some crap like that.” I heard Taylor starting to cry and instantly hugged her. She didn’t need to cry anymore today.

“So, Taylor, are you going to tell me why you were playing hooky with Chris? Or am I going to have to guess.” Veronica then puckered her lips and made kissing sounds. She could be so immature sometimes.

“Nothing like that Veronica,” Taylor said. “We just didn’t want to be at school.”

“Okay, I’ll buy that for now. But at least tell me what you were doing.” Taylor looked up at me, asking my approval to tell Veronica. I shook my head no, panic and fear flooding my eyes. It was hard enough to tell Taylor. I just didn't need anyone else to know. Taylor looked back at Veronica, "It's our secret."

“Okay. . . I get it. Well, I know one thing, we should probably get to third period. I mean, you two have already skipped enough classes.” Veronica then headed for her third period, I think it was world history. Once Veronica disappeared into the growing crowds, Taylor and I started heading toward Mr. Collins’s room. I was pretty sure that no matter what I did, I would not be able to focus on anything related to math for the entire period.

*** ***

Math was pretty quiet to say the least, but the lunchroom had a deafening silence in it. It was obvious that everyone had heard about Mrs. Gullen. As soon as I walked in, there was some clapping, but it quickly died. People then started whispering to each other like they were sharing a secret. Once I got to my usual table, the conversation picked up a little.

“So Chris,” Robert started awkwardly. “You were the one to save the science class?” I could tell by his tone that he was just trying to fill the silence around us.

“Yeah, but that didn’t help the teacher,” I replied. I kept my head down, silently mourning the loss.

“Well,” Veronica said. “I just found out who found her. . . It was Robert.” She gestured to him with pride in her eyes, but Rob just looked down at the table.

“Yeah, doesn’t make it any less gross or devastating. I don’t think I’ll ever get that image out of my mind.” He shivered after he said that.

“Well, I know one thing,” Taylor said. “At least have Chris to protect me if that psycho comes after me. I mean, who goes after a science teacher?”

“Wait! Back it up. Did you just say Chris will protect you? Like as your boyfriend?” Veronica asked interest clearly written on her face.

“Yeah. Pretty much,” Taylor said hugging me.

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