Visiting Hours Are Over

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Once I was checked out by one of the doctors that works for SECRET, I was sentenced to spend three days resting and two weeks of not going on missions. To be honest, that really didn't matter to me. For all I cared, I could have been told that I would never go on missions again. All that I cared for now was Taylor. I couldn't see how Diego had been so heartless as to tear me away from her. I was just lucky that he wouldn't tell Silvia. Otherwise, I would have to be transferred to Mexico where Estaban ran a branch of SECRET.

For the rest of the day, I just stayed in my dorm, lying on my bed, looking at the ceiling, and imagining Taylor's face. Not one of my thoughts weren't related to her. Memories of what had happened in the hospital room flooded my mind. I thought about Taylor and what she must have been feeling. Terror, fear, loneliness, and anger towards me for lying to her. I can't blame her, she would have a good reason to hate me. And if her hate meant that she wouldn't want to see me again, then I would have to live with that. I wouldn't feel whole inside, and I would probably write apology letters to her and dream of her every night, but I would understand.

But how could I be okay with not seeing Taylor ever again. She has made herself a huge part of my world and cutting her out of my life would be like cutting out my own heart. I had to know if she could forgive me. I had to go see her, but I couldn't leave because other agents would see me leaving and just report me back to my dorm. I'd have to leave under the dark camouflage of night.

Once the afternoon blue faded into a blood red, the sky eventually became covered by an eerie black blanket. I knew that if I were to ever see Taylor again, I would have to leave now. Using all my skills, I snuck out of my dorm and the building, only having to stop a few times because of the crutches. I didn't trust my legs enough to try and walk on their own.

As I finally arrived at my car, I placed my crutches in the back seat and got into the front. The hospital, fortunately, was only five blocks. Easy enough for me to do with a foot injury. I parked my car near the entrance and entered the hospital's double doors on my crutches, no doubt that they would recognize me. I went up to the front desk and got the attention of the woman that was sitting there.

"What can I help you with sir?" she asked, noticing my crutches.

"Actually, I need to see my girlfriend, Taylor Green. She was. . . . . . she was stabbed earlier today.” I could barely choke out the word stabbed.

“Sir, you do know that visiting hours are over, don’t you?”

“Yes, I know, but couldn’t you make an exception this one time? Please.” Tears were starting to well up in my eyes.

The woman sighed after a minute, “Alright, but if anyone asks, you are just here for a follow up.”

“Thank you,” I whispered to her. She started leading me down a hallway that seemed to stretch on forever. As we approached the end, she stopped and turned to her right. She pushed open the door to reveal Taylor in a bed. I wanted to cry for her, she looked so helpless.

“I’ll give you fifteen minutes. But then you will have to get out of here. Got it?” I nodded, not taking my eyes off of Taylor. Once I heard the door gently close, I moved towards her. She looked so peaceful, but at the same time so unhappy. I pulled up a chair by her bed and started to talk to her.

“Hey Taylor,” I told her stroking her hair. “What a day we’ve had. I know that you probably hate me right now and that you may never want to see me again for all the lies. But I just want you to know that I only did it for your safety. Everything I did was to protect you. And nothing in this world can change that. I just wish that you could have had a normal life and not have been a target of ASS.”

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