The Truth Hurts

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"What are - what are you saying?" Taylor spluttered out even though she already knew what I was saying. I could see the realization in her eyes, but to her the truth was too horrible to understand. I mean, finding out that your best friend tried to kill you isn't exactly an easy thing to digest. I knew that Taylor was trying to deny the truth and that she needed to face reality, but how could she accept it.

"Robert was the one that hit me with the car," I stated." The one that tried to kill you. . . " I went on, my voice getting softer as I spoke.

"But. . .but. . . that doesn't make any sense! He's my friend! Why would he try to kill me?!" I couldn't let Taylor know I was an agent, but I couldn’t lie to her anymore.

“Taylor. . .” I started, “Robert is-”

“Robert is what?” Rob said with his hands on the sides of the doorway. Taylor started to move as far away from him as possible. Rob then took his hands off the doorway and started to move into the room. I could feel the fear radiating from Taylor’s skin and I wished that she could just get out of here. Taylor eventually made her way to a corner, but slowly began walking towards me. “So Ryan, how ya feelin’?” Rob asked sarcastically.

“He was hit by a car. Your car!!” Taylor screamed at him.

“Did I do that now? Or is little Ryan here just lying,” he stated, playing the innocent card.

“I know you’re lying Rob. Why did you do it?” Taylor growled at him.

“Simple. It’s my job.” He said like it was the simplest thing in the world.

“Your. . . job?” Taylor asked in disbelief. I looked at her face and it was filled with disbelief, shock, and horror. I hated to see her like this, but I couldn’t do anything besides watch.

“Yeah Taylor. It is my job to kill you and him. Shocking isn’t it.”

“But. . .but. . .” Taylor spluttered out.

“But how, why? Simple. You are a threat to the people I work for, him to. So, what better way to get into your life and then stab you in the back, then to get as close as possible.” He pulled out a knife and pointed it at me. “Not so tough now are you, Ryan.” I knew that this was it. When my world came crashing down. Taylor would find out, I would die, and I couldn’t even defend myself because of these stupid injuries. Or could I? I gathered any strength I had in me and sat up, trying to make myself eye level with Rob.

“That’s what you think,” I taunted him before slamming his side with my fist. Pain exploded through me, but I had to protect Taylor. I ripped any wires that were attached to me and managed to stand on my feet. I wobbled a little because of the cast on my left foot, and grabbed the closest object to me. I swung it at his face and made direct contact. The vase I had grabbed shattered into pieces and Rob’s face started to bleed. Before I could get another object, he tackled me to the ground.

He wrapped his hands around my neck and started to choke me. I could feel my brain slowly shutting down, my heart rate decreasing, my body was going numb. The more I tried to shove air down my throat, the drier and smaller my lungs felt. Everything I heard sounded like it was far away. I was sure that I was going to pass out until air that felt like acid slowly started to fill my lungs. Noises sounded like they should and my brain started focusing on reality and not survival. I sat up to see what made Rob stop choking me, and I saw Taylor standing behind where he used to be with what I thought was a bedpan in her hands. She must have knocked him out with it. I tried getting up, but couldn’t manage to stand. Taylor must have seen my struggle because she came over and helped me stand.

I stood there, looking from Taylor to Rob, then to Taylor and back to Rob again. “You knocked him out with a bedpan?” I asked as I realized that she did.

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