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I entered the little meeting room, Silvia already there. “Ryan,” she began. “Thanks to your efforts, Taylor is safe. Your reports show that you think that this Chelsea girl is the agent. Where is she?” Silvia asked. She had apparently already learned about the explosion from John.

“Chelsea is in the hospital Silvia. She had burns on her face and arms that looked severe, possibly fatal.”

“Ryan, if this Chelsea. . .” Silvia gulped nervously. “Passes away. . . then you are relieved from this mission and go back to regular training. We meet back here on Sunday, 7AM sharp.” Silvia stood up and walked out of the room leaving me alone. I started to head to my dorm all the while thinking of Taylor. One slip up and she would probably have been killed. Once I got to my dorm, I plopped myself down at my desk and started to try and do the homework. I hate having to take calculus; it’s so confusing.


It had been two days since the explosion at the school. The reporters were all over it because they didn’t have much else to cover. The only story that topped the explosion was the funeral for Chelsea. She apparently died early Saturday morning. I actually felt a bit sad when I heard it on the news. Anyways, since I heard about Chelsea's death, I started thinking about Taylor and her safety. If A.S.S. wanted her dead, then they would have planned all the attacks ahead of time, thinking about every outcome. By Thursday morning, I had come up with the theory that more than one agent was trying to kill Taylor. I had to tell Silvia about my theory and make sure that Taylor was safe.


“Silvia,” I started, but she cut me off.

“Ryan, as you may very well know, Chelsea has died. Therefore, you are relieved of your undercover position,” She said coldly. Then she started to walk out.

“Silvia wait!” I called grabbing her arm.

“Mr. Parker, you had better have a good reason for keeping me from leaving!”

“I do,” I said letting her arm go. She went back to her seat. “Silvia, I believe that they are actually two agents trying to kill Taylor. I mean, suppose I figured out one of the agents and ‘stopped’ them.” I told her using air quotes when I said stopped. “I would have been taken out of the school, and that would leave Taylor vulnerable for another attack. Now I don’t know what A.S.S. wants to do with Taylor, but I intend to see this mission through.” When I finished I leaned back in the chair and waited for Silvia to respond.

After a couple of minutes of silence, Silvia finally broke, “Mr. Parker I will give you one more week at Terran Calermo to prove that there is another agent. If the week is up and you don’t have another probable agent, I will stop this undercover mission. Am I clear?”

“Crystal,” I replied.

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