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I had been watching the news reports since I got back from my meeting. Hoping that they would mention when the high school would open again or anything about the fire. At about 10 AM, a female reporter announced that the principal of Terran Calermo High School said that the school would be reopened tomorrow morning.

After about half an hour of random news reports, there was a development in the story about the fire. Apparently, the fireman determined that it wasn’t arson. I hated that Chelsea had gotten away with arson, but she was dead, so what could cops do. The news report also included some interviews with some of my classmates and the teacher. The interviews were pretty much the same, saying that they didn’t know what had happened, they were lucky and all that. The teacher had said that she heard a man yell to get down. “If that young gentleman didn’t yell to get down,  most of the class would probably be suffering from burns and the town would have suffered more fatalities.” Mrs. Gullen told the reporter.

Following Mrs. Gullen’s interview, the main reporter told the camera, “And now we talk to the girl who may have known who saved most of her science class from the fire.” I wondered who this girl was. Then I saw Taylor’s face on the screen. “Well, I admit that I did black out for part of the fire, but I do remember some things clearly. I heard a man yell ‘Get down now!’ I recognized the voice as a young man from my class. Then my lab partner dragged me to the ground before I blacked out, as if he knew that the fire would happen. I believe that the hero is Chris Ravencroth. I don’t know how he knew Chris, but if you are watching, thank you.” Then Taylor blew a kiss at the camera. I couldn’t believe it. She figured out it was me, told everyone that watches the news, and blew me a kiss. I took the kiss as a sign that she liked me, maybe just for being the hero, but maybe not. I disregarded the unwanted publicity and focused my attention on the fact that she figured me out. How did she? I mean, I tried to make my voice as unrecognizable as I could while still being protective. Plus, don’t people forget what happens to them before they black out? I have to ask Taylor tomorrow. As I left the room I faintly heard the female news reporter say, “Well there you have it folks. The presumed savior is none other than Chris Ravencroth, a regular high school senior. This is Amy Sharlom signing off for Channel 6 news.”


It’s Monday morning and I still have some unresolved questions whirling around in my head. Why did I make a collage of a bride? How did Taylor know I was the ‘hero’? Who is the second agent, if he even exists? And most importantly, what did A.S.S. want with Taylor?! I thought about each of these questions as I got ready to go to school. When I was ready, I got into my Mercedes and started driving to school.

Once I parked my car in the school car lot, I stood outside the school; I had arrived 15 minutes before the doors even opened. A few kids were already waiting there and the number of students grew as the minutes flew by. After standing around for about 7 minutes, Taylor arrived. She looked beautiful in her striped tank top and booty shorts as they were called. I have no idea how Chelsea thought she had no sense in fashion.

“Hey Taylor!” I called over the crowd of students.

“Hi Chris!” she shouted back, pushing her way through the group. When she finally got to me, she hugged me.

“What was that for?” I asked already knowing the answer.

“Saving my life. What else for?” She responded playfully.

“I don’t know, for being a hot new guy that is now being treated like a hero.”

Taylor gasped, “Who ruined the surprise and told you I said that?” She said sarcastically.

“Channel 6 News,” I said casually. We both laughed at that. Once we had calmed down, I had to ask her the question that had been buzzing around in my head since the interview. “Taylor, how did you know it was me?”

“Simple, you are the most protective guy in the school. Your first day here, you protected me from Chelsea. You always make sure your friends are happy even when you aren’t. And. . . and. . . I feel safer when I am around you.” Her voice was almost inaudible when she said that she felt safe, looking down almost ashamed that she’d said that. Then her face perked up, “Plus, you saved me from a massive fireball, as the media is calling the explosion.” Taylor then kissed me on the lips passionately. I found myself kissing her back with as much passion as she had. It felt so good, why had I been holding back these feelings. Feelings of love, desire, longing. . . It felt like the kiss would last forever, but sadly, nothing lasts forever and Taylor’s lips and mine parted.

“Now. . . what was that for?” I asked between my gasps for breathes.

“Simple, science of the heart.” I looked at her with puzzled eyes. Science of the heart, what did that mean. It was probably one of those brainy quotes Taylor was always using. I guess she noticed my confusion and started to explain. “The heart wants what the heart wants. It may be complicated, hurtful, or forbidden, but your brain doesn’t choose who you like or love, your heart does.” I started to grin as she said this. Then she whispered in my ear as if she were going to tell me a secret, “Chris, I like you, more than as just a friend. I like you because of how you make me feel, your selflessness, your courage, bravery, everything about you is perfect and just make me want you even more than when I first met you. I don’t know how, but I feel like we have a connection. Stronger than just friends, like you are the one that completes me. It feels like I can’t even exist in a world where you don’t.” Taylor moved her lips to mine and kissed them sweetly and shortly.

“Taylor,” I started bending down next to her ear and whispering. “From the first moment I saw you, I knew that I liked you, possibly loved you. I would do anything to protect you no matter what happens to me. I know that we were destined to meet each other, fall in love with each other. . . Nothing in the world can compare to our chemistry.” I pulled back from Taylor’s ear and smiled. I only now realized that she had been smiling the entire time.

I crushed our lips together passionately, consolidating what we had. It felt like the entire crowd of students were staring at us like we were sharks in a swimming pool, but all I cared about was Taylor. I loved this moment and never wanted it to end. Every sound but the two of our beating hearts was blocked out. Unfortunately, the crowd had started moving toward us, shoving us, making us break our kiss. It was only then that I realized that the school had opened the doors, signifying that we were to get in and get to our classes. I couldn’t move, and I just stood there with Taylor as the students shuffled into the school. After the crowd had disappeared, I was finally able to move. I hugged Taylor in a loving and protective way, her hugging me back from sheer love. I pulled out of the hug, “Taylor, is it just me or do you not feel like being in school today?” I asked smiling.

“It’s not just you.” She smiled back. “So, where are you going to take me?”

I glanced up in the sky as if deep in thought, even though my mind went to a special place instantly. After a minute or so of staring aimlessly into space, I looked down at Taylor and just smiled. I took her hand and she followed me to my car. She gawked at my Mercedes, her mouth open with a loss for words. “Hop in,” I encouraged her. She literally jumped over the door and into the car.

“So where are you taking me?” She asked again.

“Someplace special to me. I don’t want to ruin the surprise.” I looked over at her, grinning from ear to ear. I turned the ignition key, backed out of the parking spot, and headed away from the school.

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