toned chest

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chapter 1;; toned chest

He kept his stare intense with a subtle smug smile forming, until he heard Jungkook walking towards him, when his face instantly brightened up with genuine happiness.

"Hi, Kookie!" Taehyung greeted, arms open wide as he invited him into a hug. Jungkook gripped his waist, lifting Taehyung off of his feet as he laughed and squealed in excitement. Taehyung peered down to the boy he met earlier that morning, his beaming smile faltering under his glare.

Jungkook placed Taehyung down as he turned around. "Park, would you please go and dry off and put some clothes on?" He requested as Jimin sassily placed an arm on his hip, the other hand still gripping the towel.

"Why? Do I look bad?" Jimin queried, pouting his plump lips out. Taehyung stifled a laugh, just waiting, wanting to hear the brutal rejection from Jungkook.

"Well," Jungkook began, "Of course you don't look bad. It's just that you're getting the floor all wet."

Taehyung's face portrayed a mixture of jealousy and shock, which Jimin didn't miss in the slightest. Jimin let out a melodious giggle as he peered down at the floor to see the drops of water trailing behind him.


Jungkook's lips curled into a smile as he playfully pushed Jimin into the bedroom to get dressed.

"Annoying, huh?" Taehyung muttered. He strolled into the living space as Jungkook followed behind him. They sat on the sofa, which was barely big enough for the two of them, yet they still squeezed themselves on it and turned on the small TV in the corner of the room.

"Who? Jimin?" Jungkook wondered, letting his fingers tangle through Taehyung's silky hair.

"Yeah... That guy. He's too flirty," Complained Taehyung with a pout. His heart was relentlessly pounding in his chest as Jungkook's long, soft fingers trailed down to cradle his face.

"Really? I think he's just a touchy person," Jungkook disagreed, a light and airy tone claiming his voice, "And don't worry, you'll always be my best friend; he won't replace you or anything like that."

Taehyung sucked in a short breath and mumbled, "Of course. We're best friends."

Sometimes Taehyung found himself pondering over how his friends were welcoming to new people. It always seemed to be him who fought for his territory, yet the others seemed accepting and welcoming.

Occasionally, he wished they wanted him as much as he wanted them, but he just brushed it off and decided that he had issues and that was that.

Jungkook tilted his head, not completely hearing what Taehyung said, but draped an arm over his shoulder anyway and pulled him closer so they could watch the cooking show on the TV comfortably.

The show was fairly boring- it was just a middle-aged man chopping up vegetables, acting as if he was talented. However, Taehyung felt at ease simply because he was cuddled up to Jungkook. His presence made everything better.

"I'm dressed!" announced Jimin loudly as he strolled out of his and Jungkook's shared bedroom. He stood in front of the two of them and let out a sharp huff, "There's no space left on the sofa."

"Sit on the floor, then." Taehyung replied bluntly, tossing him a cushion to sit on.

"Be nice, Kim," Warned Jungkook softly, lightly pinching his waist.

"I think I'll sit," Jimin began, taking a few steps closer to Jungkook, "right here!"

Taehyung was fuelled with anger and jealousy when he saw Jimin sit on Jungkook's lap. Even worse, Jungkook didn't stop him and instead wrapped his arms around his small waist with a smug expression on his face. Taehyung also didn't notice how Jungkook not-so-discreetly checked Jimin's figure out from behind.

"Thanks a lot, you dickhead." He whispered.

With his arms crossed over his chest and his bottom lip quivering, Taehyung stared blankly at the TV, though he had too many raging thoughts rushing through his mind to take in any of what he was watching.

"Are you good? Tae, you're acting strange," Jungkook questioned, turning his gaze towards the frowning boy with concern and confusion.

Taehyung bit his bottom, pink lip as he held himself back, "Y-yep! I'm fine."

It definitely didn't convince Jungkook; his expression portrayed more confusion than it did before and he began studying Taehyung's face for any hints or signs, which made him feel vulnerable.

"I'm just gonna get some fresh air, Kookie." Excused Taehyung. Just like that, he left. Jimin did not expect him to be that easy to break, but how could he complain? Playing that game was quite fun for him.

"I'm gonna go... Uhm- take a shit. Be right back." Jimin told, rushing out the front door after Taehyung as he ignored Jungkook's hopeless calls, telling him that they had a toilet in their dorm.

- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -

The campus looked so pretty at night. The sky was black, not many stars to be seen, but that just allowed the lanterns to glow brighter and make up for the air pollution in their city. Taehyung was found to be sat on a bench fairly close to the entry-way of their block of dorms by a tree. He kicked the dirt and rocks by his feet as he breathed in the crisp air of September.

"You good, Kim?" Jimin asked, grabbing the boy's attention. He sat next to him on the bench and let his hand rest on his shoulder. The smirk on his face was still somewhat present as it always was, but he masked it well enough with a neutral expression.

"Piss off and don't touch me, Park," mocked Taehyung sourly, flicking his hand off of him. Although, that just made Jimin trail his fingers down his chest and torso, down to his thigh, "I said don't touch me!" he sternly repeated as he tried to push of Jimin's hand, though he kept placing it back.

"I don't want to play your dumb-ass game right now, so just get off me."

Jimin placed his hand there one last time, "Are you sure you don't, darling?"

Taehyung let out a sigh as he stared the other way with the thought that if he ignored him for long enough, then he would leave him alone, yet the repetitive feeling of his thigh being stroked continuously gave him a strange sensation.

He quite liked it, however he felt somewhat dirty for enjoying it.

Perhaps it was the attention he was receiving, which he often found himself struggling to get, though he didn't know for sure.

The feeling of his face being pulled back to Jimin's direction startled him. Jimin's hands had a soft touch, yet equally firm, which Taehyung found a slight fondness for, though he would never admit it. Jimin inched his face closer.

Taehyung's heart was racing fast. Alternating his gaze between Jimin's pouty lips and his glistening eyes, Taehyung delicately placed his hands on the boy's toned chest and grasped at his cotton shirt, feeling as vulnerable as ever, not caring anymore over how submissive he came across.

This wasn't meant to happen- Taehyung was only allowed to like Jungkook, want to kiss Jungkook, want to touch Jungkook. So, why did it feel so right?

He closed his eyes and leaned in, wanting nothing but to kiss the boy, but his lips didn't meet anything. Confused, he opened his eyes and was met with a grinning Jimin.

"I thought you wanted me, but now I know for sure, hm?" He cockily stated, causing Taehyung's cheeks to adapt a crimson colour as his face dropped, mortified.

"Is- Is this what you do for fun? Try to s-seduce strangers? Of course I don't fucking want you!" Taehyung raised his voice, but Jimin bit down on his lip, stifling a laugh, "You don't even know me."

The younger wanted to let out all of his thoughts and emotions, although he couldn't work out how he was feeling, leaving him to sit on the bench quietly. As he shifted position to cover his cheeks, he realised how snug his jeans were all of a sudden; he somehow got hard while being with Jimin.

"Park Jimin," He said, holding his hand out, "Nice to finally meet you, Kim Taehyung."

As he peered up to meet his gaze and to shake his hand, he furrowed his eyebrows as the shorter boy licked his bottom lip and took himself back inside.

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