fairy lights

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chapter 2;; fairy lights

Mumbling gibberish under his breath, Taehyung swiftly jogged to catch up with Jimin, who was only just walking through the doorway. Taehyung subtly pinched and adjusted the fabric around his crotch-area to give his hard-on more freedom, so that every step he took wasn't creating more unwanted friction.

"Are you coming back to our dorm?" Jimin smirked, looking him up and down.

Taehyung nodded, but didn't say anything; he was still embarrassed from the encounter earlier, a scowl adorning his features just thinking about it. Besides, Jimin didn't deserve anything.

It wasn't long until they entered Jimin and Jungkook's dorm, opening the door to see Jungkook waiting in the hallway, confusion laced in his features. Taehyung immediately felt more comfortable upon seeing Jungkook and a smile crept onto his lips. He didn't like being alone with Jimin.

In return to Taehyung's pretty smile, Jungkook opened his arms out wide for his best friend, signalling for him to come into his muscly arms for a comforting hug. Instead, Jimin threw himself onto Jungkook's torso, clinging onto his front, nearly knocking him over since he wasn't ready.

Taehyung's grin faltered in an instant.

Jungkook wrapped one arm around Jimin's waist and tapped his back with the other. "Jimin? Are you good?" He asked the boy.

Jimin nodded and hopped down from Jungkook's frame and skipped into the bedroom, shutting the door behind him, not a word passing his lips.

Jungkook's features immediately softened when he saw Taehyung's small frown, but, equally, he didn't quite understand. "Taehyung?" He asked quietly.

"I don't like him." Taehyung stated, loudly, ignoring the fact that Jimin was only one room away. His eyebrows were raised and the corners of his mouth were tugged into a frown.

"Come on, Tae- it was just a hug." Jungkook denied, resting his large hands on Taehyung's waist.

Taehyung shook his head as he gazed into Jungkook's eyes, disagreeing. "He's all over you, though. I've barely been here for long, yet I'm already getting bad vibes from that guy."

"You're being a bit irrational." Jungkook exclaimed, but Taehyung just stared at him, so he sighed, "How about... I have a little word with him? I don't want to be in the middle of an argument between my roommate and my best friend, do I?"

Taehyung's gaze screamed discomfort and uneasiness, so Jungkook lightly pinched his sides, making him squirm and let out endless giggles- Jungkook's favourite sound ever since they were children. "Do I?" Jungkook repeated sternly.

"N-n... Stop! No!" Taehyung laughed out, trying to tickle Jungkook's sides back.

Jungkook stopped and pulled the boy into a hug, feeling him nuzzle into the crook of his neck. "So, can I speak to Jimin about it? You could both be great friends, hey?"

Taehyung sighed, tickling Jungkook's neck with his hot breath, "Fine."

"Good boy," Jungkook said, letting go of him, "Have you unpacked your boxes yet?"

The nickname made his heart ache and his breath hitch. Taehyung knew he shouldn't feel the way he did. But could he help it? Of course not. Jungkook was desirable.

He shook his head, his fluffy hair bouncing as he did so, "No... but, I can do it on my own. Gives me something to do tonight, I guess."

Jungkook nodded and swiped his finger under Taehyung's chin, "Why don't you go and start unpacking while I talk to him, hm?" he asked, and Taehyung weakly nodded, leaving the dorm after hugging Jungkook's figure one last time.

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