dizzy daydreams

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chapter 22;; dizzy daydreams
𓏧 𓏲 𓏲 𓏲 𓋒 𓏲 𓏲 𓏲 𓏧

All seven of them were waiting to go paddle boarding in the lake, goosebumps present on their skin at the slight breeze.

The shack which stored the boards was surrounded by pretty flowers and was covered in baby blue paint, though it was very chipped and worn and could do with a little more tender, love and care.

All they could smell was sun cream (which Hoseok insisted they all wore). It was an amazingly comforting smell, for good memories were always made on holidays. This little journey was something he'd think about in one of his many dizzy daydreams.

He felt like they all needed this little trip, for it seemed to bring them much closer. It wasn't that they were drifting apart, it was simply they hadn't done any activities in a while other than talking and offering help to one another with assignments.

The workers handed the boys life jackets, just in case.

Taehyung was the first to receive his and he put it on with ease.

For those with a smaller frame- i.e Jimin and Yoongi-, yellow life jackets were given instead of the big orange ones.

"The fuck," Jimin huffed upon receiving it, making the boys laugh. The worker who gave him it raised an eyebrow as she laughed, too.

Taehyung suddenly wrapped his arms around Jimin's waist from behind, aggressively nuzzling his cheek against the older's ear because he found him too freaking cute.

He spun the older around and helped him fasten it, being gentle yet firm. Once it was definitely secured, he turned him back around and pressed himself against the boy, back hugging him.

His body felt so nice against him, not to mention how his ass was pressed right on his dick.

Subtly, the shorter boy gripped his hands and played with his fingers, loving the warmth they brought him. Why did this feel so intimate?

Taehyung didn't know why his heart beating like that. It was a completely different feeling than when he was around Jungkook.

When he was around the younger, it felt like he was on drugs. He could never think clearly and his heart thrashed so wildly in his throat, he was often scared that he was going to throw up. Nice, huh.

But when he was around Jimin, he felt grounded, which was rare for him. He was always either about to break and snap at someone who didn't deserve it, or so in-love that his stomach churned and he felt physical pain erupt through his nerves.

It was nice to feel relaxed. His mind felt at ease, the rushing thoughts set tranquil.

He wanted to thank the older for that, but how could he do that without making a fool of himself? Without sounding utterly crazy? Would he even appreciate it? Actually, Taehyung shook his head at himself for even thinking the last one. Jimin was empathetic. Jimin liked hugs. Jimin liked him.

"Taehyung," Jimin whispered so only he could hear. His voice was soft- careful, even.

"Yes?" He asked, lightly squeezing the older's waist in a friendly manner. He rested his cheek on the back of his head, shutting his eyes in comfort, though his eyes shot open at the shorter boy's next words.

"Do you have a boner?" The other giggled, wiggling his behind to tease him. Of course, that was also done in a friendly manner.

"Fuck," He cursed, trying to think of anything else to get rid of it, pinching Jimin's waist to stop him from creating cruel friction, "Please stay in front of me for just a second."

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