purple hue

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chapter 26;; purple hue

Taehyung stared at his phone, rereading the older's messages and taking them in. He found it lovely how Hoseok looked out for him, and even opened up for that matter. He was a sweet boy.

Not in the mood to waste any time, he slipped some shoes on and headed to Jungkook and Jimin's dorm.

He planted a few knocks, and Jimin opened it. Taehyung saw something different in his eyes: Instead of wearing his trademark cocky expression, he looked concerned, just like his friends did.

"D-Do you want to come in, or I can get Jungkook to come out?" Jimin stuttered, his eyes wide.

"No," Taehyung shook his head, "I want to talk to you, actually. Plus, I-I'd rather not see him right now."

"Really?" Jimin asked, stepping out of the dorm and closing the door behind him, giving themselves some privacy, "Uh- I thought you hated me."

Humming, Taehyung stared at the floor, "Hate is a strong word. Look- I-I don't want to talk about what happened just yet."

Jimin nodded, "I understand. So, what is it you came here for?"

Letting out a sigh, Taehyung shyly let out, "Can you sleep with me?"

"Uh- Did I hear that right?" Jimin tilted his head as he licked his bottom lip, his features glowing red.

"Hoseok messaged me," Taehyung began, fiddling with his sleeves, "He suggested that we cuddle, and maybe it will help me sleep. He said it works for him, but I understand if you don't want to, 'cos it's kind of weird to ask."

"First of all, you need to work on your phrasing," He told, receiving a quiet laugh from the younger. It was nice to see him laugh, for the sadness in his eyes was replaced with joy for a mere second.

"You know what," Jimin continued, a little smile tugging at his lips as he winked, "I'll be at your dorm in 5."


"What is that for?" Taehyung asked, eyeing the multiple items in his hands.

"I figured you're not going to get a good sleep if you're living in filth, so I'm gifting you with a pamper session. Hopefully you'll feel all relaxed and dozy," Jimin declared, walking into his dorm and placing them all on his kitchen counter before they slipped from his grasp.

He washed his hands with soap in Taehyung's kitchen sink, shaking them dry.

"Really?" Taehyung questioned, his eyes growing big with excitement as he bit his bottom lip, trying to hold back his grin, but he couldn't. It was impossible.

Jungkook would never do this for him. He felt special.

"Yes, really," The shorter boy grinned. "Let's get you in the tub. You smell a bit."

With his nose scrunched up, he poked his tongue out at Jimin, who was pushing his back and guiding him towards the bathroom. He sat on the side of the bathtub, putting the plug in and running the hot water.

Quickly running back to the kitchen, he told him would be back. He returned with soap and honey, adding one spoon into the water and pouring a small amount of the peony scented liquid in with it.

"Honey?" Taehyung queried, pointing to the bottle.

"It smells nice, and it's really hydrating for your skin," Jimin informed, running his fingers in the water to mix it all together. The younger just stuck his bottom lip out and nodded, taking in the new information.

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