cool violets

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chapter 7;; cool violets

The sun was beginning to set, leaving the sky adorning a pretty mixture of cool violets, which faded to different shades of peaches and yellows.

Taehyung was reading a book, cosied up with a blanket and a pint of water next to him, though he was struggling to take in the words on the page.

The rest of the catchup with Jungkook went okay, though every time something that the younger said to him lifted his mood, he found that the feeling was temporary and it would go within seconds; he didn't know whether to blame Jungkook or himself for that.

Plus, when he attempted to lean into Jungkook, he got pushed away, the tips of the younger's fingers burning holes into his skin. Taehyung didn't know how he even found the courage to do that, but he knew he wouldn't dare to again.

A knock on his door snapped him out of his thoughts. Wondering who it could be, he made his way towards it, peering out of the peep hole.

He completely forgot he agreed for Jimin to come over and talk to him about 'something important'. Jimin wore a heather-grey hoodie and matching sweatpants, his mousy hair fluffy and a pair of round glasses rested on his button nose.

Taehyung considered pretending like he wasn't home, though he felt somewhat guilty. For all he knew, Jimin could be here to apologise. On top of that, he needed some company.

With reluctance, he opened the door and signaled for Jimin to come in, half dreading what was to come.

The younger noticed that Jimin's neck was also drowned in hickies, making him feel sick to his stomach. When his eyes casted up to Jimin's face, he noticed that his smirk wasn't present and it was instead replaced by an apologetic smile. He watched as the older moved his hand to cover his neck as his ears burned a bright red.

"I feel bad," He stated, causing Taehyung to swallow as he shifted his weight onto his other leg, awkwardly playing with his long fingers.

He felt as confused as a barking cat.

Did he really just witness guilt from the Park Jimin?

"Sit- Sit down," Taehyung let out, gesturing to the sofa they sat on the day prior with Jungkook. A flashback of Jimin acting bratty filled his head, causing him to inaudibly kiss his teeth. He should've never retaliated, though he just couldn't help himself. He had the urge.

He watched as Jimin sat down next to him, thankfully leaving a comfortable two feet gap between them.

As much as Taehyung wanted to let out all his raging thoughts, he felt so, so disoriented. What was he meant to say first? What could he possibly say to the boy, who was pretty much a stranger?

Jimin spoke up, his words burning the silence in the room, "I feel bad that I let Jungkook do this to me."

One of Taehyung's eyebrows rose at Jimin's words.

"You're so obsessed with him and everything, so I shouldn't have let him."

Cloudiness filled Taehyung's mind, each vowel Jimin let out filling the little space left, bit by bit. He felt so dazed, so hurt. If Jungkook would do that to Jimin after the tiny amount of time they knew one another, why didn't he do the same to Taehyung, who he had known for years. It didn't make sense.

𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬 ¦ vminWhere stories live. Discover now