poor thing

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chapter 10;; poor thing

The sky was dark and the boys were soon going to bid their goodbyes.

Taehyung was the only person who wasn't completely drunk, and he was okay with that, though it felt like he had three (massive and disobedient) babies he needed to get home.

The other boys had shots later on, but Taehyung declined the offer, already out of his comfort zone with beer.

He knew he was going to miss the way Jungkook held onto him and kept pulling him close the next morning. Drunk Jungkook was very touchy- to say the least.

At unfunny jokes, he'd throw himself all over Taehyung; when he was talking to him, he seemed to completely forget about personal space: their noses were inches away and he'd occasionally press their foreheads together for no reason and laugh.

As much as Taehyung loved it, he hated the way Jungkook's words replayed in his mind from earlier on.

"Thank God!"

"You're my best friend. That'd be so fucking weird."

Taehyung tried to make the most of it, though. It wasn't everyday Jeon Jungkook was this touchy towards him. He stood up and dragged Jungkook up by the arms, letting him lean into his side whenever his balance wavered.

All the boys were noisy as they made their way to the front door. Yoongi and Seokjin linked arms while laughing at anything and everything, struggling to both fit through the door at the same time.

Taehyung waved goodbye to Namjoon and Hoseok, who were in a slightly better state than the others, though both ready to fall asleep, as they shut the door behind the four.

The icy, nighttime wind bit at Taehyung's exposed skin, sending a shiver down his spine.

He wanted to get back to his dorm as quick as possible, though the other three were quite sluggish and were walking in zigzags and he couldn't leave them.

"Taetae," The younger whined, tugging on his arm. The nickname made his heart beat faster. He wasn't sure if it was the alcohol, but he could have sworn his pumping heart was visible through his tee.

He turned around, setting his gaze on the drunk boy behind him, "Hm?"

The younger let go of his wrist and stretched out his arms, indicating that he wanted to be carried. Taehyung smiled and leaned over, allowing him to jump on his back. Once Jungkook was secure and balanced, he rested his head on the older's shoulder, his lips pressed against the shell of his ear.

It made his heart flutter.

He was happy that things seemed to be okay between them again, but he knew that the guilt of lying to his soulmate would be hard to swallow.

But that was something to deal with later on, and this was now.

Once Taehyung successfully guided Yoongi and Seokjin to the block contraining their dorms, he made his way back to his block with a sleepy- and slightly horny- Jungkook on his back.

"Taetae," Jungkook whinged, nuzzling his nose against his neck, "Got boner."

Taehyung's cheeks dusted pink at his words, but he shook it off.

"You can deal with it in a bit. You're nearly home," Taehyung replied, hoisting him up since he was slipping.

He heard Jungkook groan and felt the tips of his fingers swipe across his neck. Because he was so sensitive in the area, it almost aroused him.

'Get it together, Taehyung. He's drunk.' He scolded himself, though the continuous feeling was already giving him a hard-on.

He could feel the younger attempting to find some friction against his back and he seemed desperate. Poor thing.

"Jungkook," Breathed Taehyung, shaking his head, "Hold on for a few more minutes. Jesus."

Like a brat, Jungkook flailed his legs around, making it difficult for Taehyung to walk. They'd only just made their way into their block and it was late at night, so they needed to be quiet.

"Want you now," He declared.

Was this what they were going to be? Friends with benefits?

It could end up being a one-off thing, but what if it wasn't?

Sure- being friends with benefits seemed to work for some people, but that was until one unlucky partaker was to catch feelings. If both did, then great! Otherwise, it would get messy.

The problem was, Taehyung had already caught those. Hard.

He claimed it was love, but he didn't really know the true definition of that just yet.

Would it work out? Or would it leave him more hurt than he was now?

But as Jungkook dizzily climbed off his back and pushed Taehyung against the wall, those thoughts didn't matter anymore.

Their lips hungrily attached. Jungkook's lips tasted of alcohol and Taehyung guessed his own did as well. It was sort of bitter, yet so, so addictive.

As Taehyung spun them around, he gripped the younger's waist, steadying him against the wall. Jungkook's fingers were buried in the older's locks, pulling at the strands, tugging them.

Grunting at the sting, Taehyung pressed his thigh into the younger's groin, loving the way he gasped. This is what he had dreamed of, so he made sure to cherish it. Cherish every tongue swipe, cherish every throaty moan, cherish every lip bite.

This was his chance to paint him with more hickies than Park fucking Jimin could ever manage, so he did exactly that, his tongue swiping over each fresh bruise as he planted one after the other.

They were a mess, still right in the middle of the corridor.

Despite the fact that his mind was a bit foggy from the alcohol, Taehyung was well aware that this was driven by lust, and there was not one trace of love present.

He didn't know why it felt okay this way, why he wasn't aching and begging to be loved.

"Wan' you to fuck me," Jungkook breathed, allowing Taehyung to place messy, open-mouthed kisses all over his jaw and neck. Taehyung hummed against his skin, moving back up and reattaching their lips.

He popped his lips off the younger's and caged him against the wall with his arms, "Not while you're in this state, bun."

Jungkook whined, leaning his head forward onto the older's shoulder as he impatiently reached down to grab his dick, "But I have a boner."

Taehyung tugged his hand away, pulling him to the front door of his own dorm by the wrist. Speedily, he took the keys from his pocket and unlocked the door, pushing the younger in first, then guiding him to his room.

The moment they entered, their lips smashed back together and Jungkook was pushed back onto Taehyung's bed.

Never did Taehyung imagine things would end up this way, but he decided he'd dwell on it in the morning, for at that moment, he needed to live in the present.

"I'm not going to fuck you," the older breathed out, hushing the whining Jungkook beneath him with a finger pressed against his lips, "But I'll help you."

He shifted his body back and unbuckled the younger's belt, tugging his jeans down. Peppering his underwear with kisses, he watched as the younger eagerly bucked his hips up.

And that was how the evening ended: Taehyung's mouth filled with the younger's cock, being a good friend.

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