sickly sweet

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chapter 6;; sickly sweet

It was the next day at noon. Taehyung and Jungkook had decided that they'd spend their last free day to meet up and go to a coffee shop, which was not too far off the campus grounds, to have a catch up, since they had no time to with Jimin being constantly with them.

Despite not having time to explore the area, Jungkook insisted that they sold the best quality coffees, though Taehyung didn't care about the coffee- he just wanted to spend time with the younger.

Taehyung's heart thumped as he dabbed concealer under his eyes and on some barely noticeable acne scars, studying his features in his bathroom mirror. He ran his fingers through his hair, pushing the fluffy locks back, exposing his sharp eyebrows and his forehead.

Stepping back, he analysed each part of his outfit, ensuring there were no loose strings dangling or any pockets inverted. Everything appeared to be perfect, so he headed to his living room, seating himself on his leather sofa until he was to hear Jungkook's knocks on his front door.

It didn't take long until he heard them, erupting a short gasp from the boy. He headed to the door, his heart pumping in a calmer manner than earlier, yet still faster than it should.

He pulled open the door and was met with Jungkook, smiling innocently. Taehyung returned the sweet smile, though it disappeared as he let his eyes trail down to his neck.

Taehyung's stomach plummeted.

His heart ached- burned, even. It stung so bad that he had to discreetly pinch his hand to direct the pain elsewhere.

Contrasting against Jungkook's sun kissed skin were patches of purples and pinks which looked to trail further down than the neck of Jungkook's black tee. It looked as though he put no efforts into covering them whatsoever.

Taehyung bitterly scoffed, "I see you had fun last night."

Jungkook looked at him with confusion laced in his features until he realised that he was hinting at the hickies that were present on his neck, "Uh- oh, yeah! Jimin... He's a wild one, to say the least."

The image of Jimin littering hickies over Jungkook's neck made Taehyung feel incredibly ill; he had a indescribably strange feeling in the pit of his stomach.

He was hurt.

As Taehyung pressed his lips into a thin line, he tugged his coat from the peg next to the door and pulled it on, adjusting it as he spoke, his voice void of any decipherable emotion, "Right. Let's go, shall we?"

"Yeah," the younger agreed, stepping aside so the other could walk out.

Taehyung honestly didn't feel like striking up a conversation with him, for he almost felt betrayed.

He wasn't surprised in the slightest that Jimin did it. After all, he got bad vibes from the guy when they first met.

However, he knew that if he wanted to play this bitter sweet game, he'd have to be hurt.

And, as much as he despised the gut-wrenching feeling, he accepted the challenge.

Game on.

With that in mind, he decided that he'd ensure that by the time Jungkook was to head back to his dorm, he'd have deeper, darker hickies on his honey-tinged skin, completely outshining Jimin's.

𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬 ¦ vminWhere stories live. Discover now