Baby Brain.

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Reece and I have been running around after the twins for so long. Our brains where completely frazzled and I definitely still had baby brain. We loved our babies but sometimes we wished that they would just sleep for more than a couple of hours. It had also made Reece and I argue a bit more than we normally would. 

- One Day - 

"Have you two spent any time alone ?" 

Reece and I looked at each other like we did not know what time alone was. 

"I'll take that as a no." 

"Well you know it's not exactly easy with two children." 

"Right. Ok. You two are going out whilst Alison and I look after the babies." 

"But..." we both protested. 

"Nope.... come on..." 

Steve hurried us out of the door. 

"But...." We kept protesting. 

"Bye!" Steve said and waved at us. 


Reece and I felt so lost in the real world without any babies. We must have looked like crazed animals. We decided to go to a coffee shop. 

We took a short walk in the park. It was nice and in all honestly it made me relax in away I hadn't since the babies. The fresh air and Reece just made me be me . 

It was so nice just to walk a long and hold hands. The air actually helped my brain wake up a bit more by the time I got back to the babies I felt in some way more ready to deal with mum life again and Reece seemed to be in the same way. 

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