Chapter Two

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{Octavia's Point of View}


"Yes Alpha."

I waved my hand in front of me for my warrior to continue. He and Ana had been working closely together to find the location of the witch that Janessa had named.

"My men have been able to track down a woman by the name of Ichure Divine in the isolated town of Kalzroni, Ohio. Two other individuals reside with her, according to our research."

I nodded, just as Ana made her way into my office, looking worse for wear.


I nodded my head for her to speak, making a mental note to ask about her disheveled state when our meeting finished.

"The individuals with the witch are a set of twins that had been reported missing a few years ago. They vanished without a trace. Nobody could find where they went. From what it looks like, Alpha, she might be luring us there for a trap."

I nodded in agreement. I moved my hand to hover over Kalzroni, Ohio. It was a few days run, at most. I rubbed my face in thought.

"Okay. Bring me everything on Ichure, the twins, and Kalzroni, Ohio. I'll look over everything and we'll go from there with a gameplan."

I looked up to look at my warriors and Ana.

"Dismissed until our next meeting."

I waited until all of my warriors left the office that my father had given me to plop down into my plush office chair and stare at Ana. She stared back at me with her tired eyes, accentuated by the dark circles under her eyes.


I raised a confused eyebrow when she stiffened under my gaze.

"Has Malikai been keeping you up?"

Ana's eyes widened and she immediately shook her head.

"No! U-uh, he's been great!"


I watched her mouth twitch in a soft smirk when I spoke to her as her best friend and not her boss. I watched her sag and sigh as if she had the weight of the world on her shoulders.

"I have been pulling extra shifts to try and find this damned witch for you. I want Janessa back almost as much as you do, Big Bad Alpha. You... you're not the same without her."

I grimaced, watching her flinch slightly under my gaze.

"Winifred is wonderful, don't get me wrong! But missing one of your mates has both of you very distanced."

I sighed, leaning my head back as she spoke, understanding where she was coming from. I rubbed my hand on my face, letting her see just how tired and broken I really was without my other mate.

"If this witch is unable to bring my Janessa back, I will have to speak with the Moon Goddess about how to improve the mate bond between myself and Winifred. It's not fair to her at all to continue to treat her as any less of a mate because we lost our wife."

I explained. I knew it was a long shot, but if anyone would understand, it would be Ana.

"No one has started thinking any less of you, since Janessa.  Everyone is amazed at how strong you are with having lost one of your mates and still going on."

I sighed and leaned back in my chair, staring at the ceiling. I understood where Ana was coming from, but I also didn't want to just give up on finding a way to get my vampire wife back. I moved a heavy hand to rub my face, exhaustion lining my features. Sure, I was a strong Alpha, but I had lost half of my bond. That took a huge toll on any wolf. I was lucky; I had another mate to take care of.

Wolves who lost their mates were given a death sentence.

"I know that, Ana. I just..." I sighed hard, leaning my head to look at her sideways. "I promised her I'd get her back. As much as I know that Winifred and I can raise our children, I will never feel complete if I don't at least try to get her back."

I knew Ana understood, in her own way. She had just met her mate a few months ago, at our baby shower. Damn, that was almost eight months ago. I stood up quickly, which caused Ana to flinch away from me. I stared at her, raising my eyebrow.

"Ana... Is Mikael hitting you?"

I stared at her, my face hardened, speaking as her Alpha, not as her friend. I watched as her eyes went wide in horror and she shook her head quickly.

"No!  No!  He's not!  I just didn't expect you to get up so quickly.  You scared me."

I narrowed my eyes at her, but stared at her for a few moments longer, making sure that she wasn't lying to me.  She knew I would murder him before I let any mate of hers hit her.  When I was satisfied, I huffed a sigh. 

"Fine.  Let me take you to where I've been keeping Janessa."

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