Chapter Six

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{This chapter has depictions of a miscarriage and Winifred's emotions that come with it. It is a trigger warning for anyone and everyone. Read at your own discretion.}

{Winifred's Point of View}

I had woken up with an upset stomach.  It hadn't been bothering me lately, but it was insistent today.  I cleared my throat as I brushed my teeth, getting ready for work.  Hopefully it was just a quickly passing stomach bug and I could go on about my day.  Octavia had been running herself ragged since our wife had been murdered.  

Not only had she been trying to find a way to bring Janessa back, for both of our sake's, but she was also trying to find where our daughter had been taken.  I whimpered as my organs cramped.  Maybe I was just gassy.  I'd take some medicine before I left for work.

I stopped by Octavia's office on the first floor before I left, making sure to give her kisses and some quick snuggles before I left.  I knew she was hurting without our wife, but I could only do so much to help her.  My race didn't suffer the same as werewolves when they lost their mates.  We were made to breed and move on, not have life mates.

I sighed softly as I stepped into my classroom, making sure to pull my lesson plans out for the day.  I made a few marks on them and stood, writing some of my lesson notes on the whiteboard.  I closed my eyes in a wince as a sharp pain crossed my bellybutton.  I took a sharp breath and waited for the pain to pass before I went back to writing my lesson plans up.

I was just sitting down at my desk when the bell rang for the five minute warning for class.  My first class of the day filtered in slowly, taking their seats.  When the tardy bell rang, all of my students had taken their seats.  I waited a few minutes before I stood up, blinking away my fading vision.  

"Good morning class.  If you'll all take out your homework from last night, we'll go ahead and collect those before we get started on our lesson for today."

Groans were heard through the class, and I chuckled.  They always groaned and moaned when I collected the homework.

"Oh, hush.  It's not that bad.  You guys know how this goes."

I waited until all the papers were at the front and then I made my way over to where they were collected and grabbed them.  I set them on my desk and turned back to my students.

"Alright.  Turn to the next chapter in your books, and we'll start from where we left off yesterday."

I taught until the class ended, and it caught me off guard.  I pursed my lips and cleared my throat.

"Alright, then.  The questions at the end of the chapter are for your homework.  Make sure you write the questions out completely and answer in complete sentences!"

I chuckled as my students groaned and complained as they packed up and left the room.  I rubbed my temple as all my students left.  I grabbed some headache medicine from my purse and took them, hoping it would help the headache I was getting.  I sighed and pulled my phone out of my purse also.  Leaning back in my chair, I dialed Octavia's number.  It rang once and she picked up.

"Sweetheart. What's wrong?"

"Darling, can you come and pick me up from the university? I haven't been feeling well all morning, and I thought it was just a stomachache, but it's gotten worse over the hours."

"Of course. I'll be right there. I love you."

I sighed as I returned the affection and hung up.  I stood up, using my free period to head to the teaching lounge.  I managed to get one of the spare subs to cover the rest of my classes for the day.  Making my way back to my classroom.  I gathered my things and sat at my desk to wait for my wife to come back to me.

About eight students came into my classroom to ask questions about the classwork and my personal life.  A few of the guys were asking about my personal life, and I was avoiding it as best as I could.  When one of the guys asked about if I would go on some dates with him.  I was about to reject him when Octavia growled.  I turned towards her and smiled warmly at her.

I could smell the female students releasing mating pheromones when they noticed my wife, and the male students releasing territorial pheromones towards her.  I grabbed my purse and started walking towards her.  I closed my eyes and with a stiff step, and then I felt myself falling.  I didn't have a chance to feel anything before I succumbed to blackness.


I woke a few hours later, hooked to a bunch of medical equipment.  Octavia was snuggled against me, and I was feeling cold.  I scooted closer to her as best I could, before closing my eyes again.  The cramping in my lower belly had become a dull ache, but it hadn't gone away completely.  I had been trying to go back to sleep when the doctor cleared his throat and Octavia left my side. 

"Mrs. Montgomery? If you'd step outside with me? I've got a few things to discuss with you about your wife."

When Octavia closed the door behind her, leaving just a crack open, I opened my eyes, listening as the doctor spoke to her.

"It seems your wife was roughly seven weeks pregnant. With twins. However, her body rejected the pregnancy and she miscarried. We haven't found a reason specifically; is there anything that has been stressing her out at home?"

I closed my eyes, tears rolling down my face.  I had been pregnant.  With twins.  I hadn't had a clue.  Of course things had been stressful at home, but we hadn't been trying for kids.  And now I failed them, even though I didn't know about them.  A soft sob escaped my throat as the doctor continued talking.

"I'm sorry for your loss. We are doing our best to get her stable from the stress of the miscarriage. I'd like to keep her overnight and keep an eye on her, to make sure things don't get worse."

Octavia didn't say anything as the doctor continued talking.  I don't think she expected me to be pregnant, either.  I hadn't been showing any signs of being pregnant.  Not like with Josephine (who I was so grateful was being watched by my mother-in-law; Octavia's parents loved the daylights out of their grandchild).

"I'm going to make my rounds. I'll stop by in a little bit to check on your wife. Please stop any of the nurses or myself if you have any questions or need anything."

I whimpered softly as Octavia climbed back into the bed with me, wrapping her arm gently around my belly and nuzzling against me.  I moved my free arm to wrap around her, rolling to press my face against her chest.  Tears rolled down my face harder now, the machines beeping with my upset.

"I'm so sorry, Octavia.  I killed our babies."

A sharp growl from my wife surprised me, and made me cry harder.  Her fingers dug into my back and she held me close, rubbing my back and pressing kisses to the top of my head.

"You did no such thing.  We didn't know.  We had no idea."

I cried harder, my fingers white from gripping her shirt so tightly.

"I'm such a terrible wife and mother.  I was responsible for them and I let them die."

Octavia snarled at me again, her own wolf upset that her wife and mate was so broken.

"Baby, you didn't.  You're not a failure.  You've given me such a beautiful daughter.  You've given me so much.  We don't need any more.  As long as I have you and Josephine, we're okay.  I'm so sorry about this whole thing with Janessa.  I should have been more focused on you and our daughter."

I sobbed harder.  The cramping in my belly was back, but I knew what it was now, and that had me grabbing Octavia's wrist and tugging it to place it on my belly, where my own body was rejecting our children.

"I failed you, and them."

I didn't get another word out because the machine finally sensed my distress and released a strong amount of medicine and I fell asleep, still gripping Octavia tightly.


{Just a filler, but Winifred doesn't get enough love as it is.  Next chapter will continue with the plot~

Much love!


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