Chapter Eleven

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{Octavia's Point of View}

Grayed blue eyes stared back at me as the five of us sat at the table.  Winifred and Janessa sat pressed against my sides as Ichure and Donavan sat close by.  I moved to rub my forehead in slight frustration.

"I honestly didn't expect that spell to work.  Or for you to ever show up again.  As far as we were concerned, the deal was over."

I stared at Ichure as she fussed with Donavan's blue-ish gray hair.  He tossed his head and leaned away slightly.

"It was.  I got what I needed from the spell, and you got what you wanted.  When Donavan turned 18, however, he wanted to meet his sire.  I wouldn't allow him to until he turned 18, but I could never say no to his constant begging, so here we are, before he turned 18."

I hung my head, Janessa gripping my arm harshly and Winifred looking at me with a snarl.

"This has been your secret all these years?!  That you have been cheating on us and had another family?!"

Winifred stood up and snarled at me, her anger getting the better of her as her claws extended.  She slapped me hard across the face, her claws scratching and drawing blood.  I whimpered as she snarled at me once more and stomped off.

"Josephine and I will be leaving tonight.  You better have a good reason for lying all these years."

Another whimper left me as the blood leaked down my face, the cuts healing slowly.  Janessa had released my arm and was sitting away from me, but I could smell her anger and her sadness.  Her hands were clasped in her lap and she made a point to not look at me.  I sighed and waved my hand towards Ichure.

"Ichure and I made a deal for the resurrection of you, Janessa.  The price was my first born son.  She cast a spell on me to ensure that my next child was a male.  Winifred was still recovering from the miscarriage of our twins.  Ichure was there, and I gave her a son.  This is the first I've heard or seen the boy at all.  We made sure to keep our lives separate."

I made sure to not look at any of them, but I could feel myself shaking.  I should have been honest with my wives from the beginning, but how do you approach your wife while she's still beating herself up about her miscarriage and tell her that not only did you fuck another woman, but you got her pregnant, too?  

I sighed hard, knowing I'd have a lot of explaining to do to Winifred.  Janessa seemed to understand, but at the same time, I could tell she was still sad and angry.

I sighed and jumped lightly when Janessa placed her hand on my forearm.  My eyes snapped to her quickly, almost afraid of what she would do at this point in time.  

"I understand.  I'm still hurt and upset, but I was dead.  Winifred was alive, and we didn't have any secrets.  This was a huge one.  We both need to have some time to process that we have a step-son, if he's willing, anyway."

Janessa looked over at Donavan and smiled softly, her hand moving to my hand so she could intertwine our fingers.  I whimpered softly as she moved closer to me, her fingers playing with mine.

"I will try to talk to Winifred, but she will need to hear it from you directly."

I nodded, lifting our hands and gave her hand a gentle kiss.

"I will do anything to get her to understand."

Janessa stood, leaning down to give me a gentle kiss on the lips before she made her way to our bedroom.  

"I see you still care for them a great deal."

Ichure broke the silence as I watched after Janessa.  My eyes snapped back to her and my son.

"I'm not unhappy that you're here, son.  I'm so glad to see you.  I had fully expected to never see you again, and because of the deal Ichure and I had made, I never made an effort to search for you."

I admitted.  That probably wasn't what he wanted to hear, but I tried not to lie to anyone.  Fat lot of good that did me, though.  I squirmed in my seat as he stared at me.  If it were anyone else, I would have felt threatened.  If my wolf wasn't in such distress about my wives and daughter, I probably would feel threatened.  As it was, I had to try to salvage the relationship I had with my wives.

"I understand.  Mother never made it out to seem like you didn't care.  I asked about you so often that she got to the point of making me wait until I turned 18 to actually meet you, if I chose to.  I hope that's not an issue."

I shook my head, wincing lightly as I heard glass breaking upstairs.

"I'm not upset that you're here. I wish the witch would have given a bit of fore-warning, however.  Just so I could avoid this whole mess with my wives."

I sighed again, sitting up straighter when I cleared my throat.  I waved my hand dismissively, standing with my hands on the table.

"You're more than welcome to stay in our guest spaces.  If you are staying, I will find more permanent housing for you.  If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.  Now, if you'll excuse me, I must try to salvage my marriage."

I didn't wait for another word and made my way upstairs.  Upon reaching my door, I flinched as I heard splintering wood.  I knew Succubi tempers were something to fear, but I'd never seen Winifred this angry.  I eased the door open and yelped when a vase hit me square in the chest, shattering against me.  Janessa stared at me wide-eyed and Winifred growled at me, stalking over, her tail lashing behind her angrily.

"You dare come begging for forgiveness?  After what you've done?"

She stared up at me, her red eyes blown in anger.  She reached up and grabbed my jaw, digging her nails into my skin, drawing more blood.  Pulling my face to hers, she snarled again, flicking her tongue against my lips.  I gulped as she spoke and Janessa stared at us, almost fearfully.

"You're going to beg us for forgiveness while we fuck you and fill you to the brim."

I whimpered as her hand not gripping my jaw slid down my body and gripped my hardening dick.  She squeezed me so hard I yelped in pain.

"This belongs to us.  And it needs to be punished.  It will be locked in the cock cage.  Janessa and I will be using the strap-ons in the drawer to fill your ass and pussy.  You'll also be wearing a ball gag.  You don't cum until we are finished with you."

I squirmed as she squeezed my dick harder.

"Answer me, slut."

I tried to grip the door behind me, but failed.  My whimpers became a gasp.

"Yes, yes.  W-whatever you desire."

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