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{Amelia's Point of View}

It's not going to be much longer until I got rid of that bitch Scarlett.  She thinks she's so great, what with being the Nubia and all.  She's not even Gideon's true mate!  I am!  He only married her because they're the same species!  I can see that he feels the mate pull with me, and one of these days, I'm going to get him to act on those mate impulses I know we both feel.   He refuses to leave her, though.

Something about our species not being pure or something like that.  I don't know.  I try to spend as much time as I can with him, but when it comes to his stupid child, Gabriella, he's all about everything that has to do with her and how she's doing.  Of all the people in this tribe that I hate more than Scarlett, Gabriella is at the top of that list.  I honestly don't even know what it is about her that I hate, but there's something off about her.

She's not normal.

Gideon and Scarlett claim that she's their kid, but anyone who knows anything about anything, knows that she's clearly nothing like them (and obviously adopted).  They're not even the same species!  Gideon claims that he and Scarlett are Angels, and that's why they're the leaders, but for one thing, Angels don't exist.  

From what I can tell, Gideon and Scarlett are a Triton and a Siren, respectively.  Both are supposed to be very strong beings, but from what I've seen, Gideon isn't very powerful, while Scarlett is scary strong.  

I would never want to get on opposing sides of her in battle.

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