Chapter Eighteen

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{Guinevere's Point of View}

"I honestly don't understand what Gideon and Scarlett are hoping to gain from sacrificing me to this Goddess they talk so much about.  I don't think she exists, really.  And this purity thing?  How do they know that I'm still pure?"

I ranted, not noticing that Kaitlyn was staring at me adoringly.

"And Gideon!  He's so awful to Scarlett!  But they're mates, and she won't leave him!  But she's so sweet compared to him.  Sometimes I wonder if he forced her into the marriage between them.  What do you think?"

I turned to face Kaitlyn, who was caught off-guard when I addressed her.  She gave a dumb chuckle and licked her lips before she answered.  I won't admit that I watched her tongue.

"I think you're the most beautiful person I've ever seen, honestly.  And I'm grateful that you were chosen as my mate.  You're even more beautiful now that I've met you."

I narrowed my eyes at her dangerously.  She was sitting in my desk chair, so I plopped down on my bed, placing my hands on my knees as I continued to stare at her.

"Explain.  Right now, Kaitlyn."



"My real name is Keirstan.  Gideon has never gotten it right."

She chuckled at my demand for her to answer her, but gave in.  She leaned back in my chair and closed her eyes, sighing deeply as she remembered.

"Your sire, Octavia, had ended up in my care in Germany some years back.  I kept her alive for three months while the vampire elders decided what to do with your mother, Janessa.  Now, I don't know all of the specifics, honestly, but what I do know is that they intended to have a man named Jarrod marry your mother, but Octavia broke out of the hospital room and fought and killed Jarrod.  When I found them, the fight was about to start, but all I cared about was you, still inside your mother."

I stared at the woman in front of me in disbelief.

"You know my real parents."

My hopes were dashed as she shook her head.  I dropped my head, starting to shake.  

"I only met them that one time.  Once Janessa and Octavia went back to the States, I thought I'd never see you again.  It was purely by chance that Gideon called on me to come here.  Imagine my surprise when I noticed that my mate had grown up into such a beautiful woman.  I don't even know if you know what a mate bond is or even if you feel the same as I do.  Jeez, here I go rambling and I don't even know how you feel."

I looked up at Keirstan and noticed that she was trembling and looked on the verge of tears.  I could feel my insides trembling as I looked at her.  I squeezed my knees and took a shuddering breath.  I didn't know this woman very well, but I knew I hated seeing her upset.

"Keirstan... I don't know anything outside of this compound.  I honestly didn't know that Scarlett and Gideon weren't my real parents until you confirmed it.  I mean, I never thought that they were, but I'm so glad you confirmed it.  I don't... I don't know what a mate bond is, but I do know that I hate seeing how hurt you are right now."

She let out a stiff puff of air and slid down in her chair, smiling brokenly.

"Figures.  I finally find my beloved and this stupid cult ruined her life."

I was about to say something when she continued.

"Do you even feel anything for me, at all?"

I stiffened, but blushed and looked away.

"Uhm... Ever since Gideon first introduced us, my heart beats really fast when you're around, I get sad when you're gone, and I feel like I could stare at you for hours and never get bored."

I jumped when the wind from her darting across the room to me hit me.  She wasn't touching me, but I could tell that she wanted to.  I gasped when I looked at her face and saw that she was staring up at me.

"May I touch you?"

I nodded softly and she moved her hands to lay atop mine.  I gasped a bit loudly when I felt a spark from where she was touching my hands.  I looked between our hands and her nervous face, my jaw dropped in surprise. 

"Do you feel that?"

I nodded when she whispered the words, almost like she didn't think I felt anything. I could understand that she was upset. I would have been more upset if I had found what she called a mate and that mate didn't know anything about what a mate was or does.

"I... Yeah, I do. Is it supposed to tingle?"

I blushed darker than I care to admit when she laughed in relief. Her fingers squeezed mine when she realized that I was actually questioning her.

"I don't know. I've only heard stories. Demons are different than other species. We don't typically have a singular mate bond. But I've never felt this way about anyone else in my entire life."

I nodded gently, rubbing my fingers against her hands, enjoying the feeling of just touching her. I wanted to do so much more, but I wasn't even sure what I was allowed. I didn't know anything, really. I didn't know desire, and I didn't know lust. I knew knowledge and rituals.

I was about to ask her another question when she cursed. I felt her fingers grip mine slightly tighter and she grimaced up at me. She moved her legs to get off of her knees in front of me and stood, placing a gentle kiss to the middle of my forhead. I blushed from the tips of my ears to the middle of my chest when she looked at me, admiration in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry, liebling (darling). I must go. I'm being summoned. I'll answer any questions you have when I return."

I didn't get to say anything else before she left, leaving the room with a soft click of the door and my heart racing beyond my chest. If this was what it felt like to be in her presence, what would it be like to be more? I wasn't sure I could handle that.


{Good morning, lovies! Who guessed this turnabout? Merry Christmas! I'm starting on the next chapter soon, but I also go back to college for my Master's soon and I've still got work! But I'm certainly not done with this series, now that I'm past my bout of the flu and getting my writer's block out of the way! See you soon!

Much love!


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