Chapter 2: Shut Up

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Keeping secrets can be hard when you're me, it's not like you can really hide pale skin or fangs. So you make excuses, 'oh I'm just super pale' I say. 'I never leave my house' and people usually just assume I have naturally sharp teeth I guess. Those excuses don't seem to convince Roman though, he's always suspicious. Although, I'd be too if my boyfriend looked and acted the way I did; I always cover my mouth when I laugh or smile (which isn't very often mind you, that probably doesn't help either.) or how I never really eat but still remain a healthy weight. I just wish he'd accept my excuses and leave it at that, but no he hits me with the concerned tone and the 'I don't believe you but okay' look. It's the worst, I feel so guilty and I wanna tell him but I can't. Not just because I think he'll hate me but because if my family knows I told anyone they'll drive a stake through my heart before everyone in town does. My mind is racing so fast my breath can't keep up with it and I'm trying so hard not to let myself slip but it's too late. I'm in a complete state of panic and now I'm panicked because I don't know if I'll ever get out! But then...I remember what Logan taught me. Breathe in for seven seconds, hold for four seconds and breathe out for eight seconds, repeat. Soon enough I'm back to a calmer state of mind and I can finally think straight...well, as straight as possible. I spend too much time with Roman.

Once I regain some form of sense I start getting ready for school. When I head out it's kinda gloomy so there's no need for ridiculous sun hats. There's a slight chill in the air as I walk the streets, then I feel something brush against my leg. A black cat, it's piercing, yellow eyes stare at me. The cat follows me into an alley way and then there he is.
"I knew it was you, you stalker."
"You really thought I was gonna let you walk to school alone after-" I cut him off.
"Yeah yeah okay. If you're gonna walk with me just stay quiet, it's too early for your bullshit."
"What? It's not my fault you went all savage on me."
"I said shut up!" I yell, I didn't mean to be so loud. Now my heart's pounding in my ears again and Deceit has a hurt look in his eyes. "L-let's go." And so we continue to walk to school in silence. He drops me off at the gate and I walk inside, I don't think any of my friends have arrived but I know that Logan comes in early so I head up to the library.

As I suspected there's Logan with his nose stuck in a book.
"Hey L." I say, slumping in my chair.
"Greetings Virgil." He flips a page in his book. "You're looking very disgruntled this morning."
"When do I not?" I scoff and he frowns a little.
"Fair enough but is there a reason for this?" I brush it off and reply.
"I'm fine L, honest."
"I'm not so sure you are fine or honest." He says putting his book down, I sigh and stare at the ground.
"If I told you why you wouldn't believe me." I say coldly, he gives me a weird look and returns to his reading. He knows when enough is enough and when to stop interrogating me, that's something I've always liked about Logan. "Thanks for asking though Specs."
"Don't mention it." He says, trying to hide his smile behind his book. Spending time with Logan is really calming, he just sits and reads and makes small talk at times, he totally gets me and although I'd never say it to his face, he's really cool.

Things are always quiet until Patton and Roman show up, I love them to pieces but they're so loud. I once spent a whole day with them, (Logan was studying) and I went back home with a pounding headache. So when they walk into the library and start rambling about Disney, I know we're bound to get kicked out if they don't shut up soon.
"Guys it's too early for all this just," I'm trying not to be too harsh but.. "shut up." So much for not being harsh.
"Oh Virgil my chemically imbalanced romance, why must you bring gloom wherever you go?"
"Why must you bring noise wherever you go?" He sits on my lap and starts singing, that's where I draw the line. Princey finds it really funny to embarrass me and I don't know why. As he's serenading me I can feel the blush rising from my cheeks to my whole face as Patton snickers. Logan continues to read and tries to ignore us, but shows some form of humoredness when I push Roman of my lap and pull up my hood laughing. He gets up as dramatically as he entered and as I predicted, we got kicked out.

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